
Happiness Quotes

Quotes that spread happiness are known as Happiness Quotes. Problems are a part of life, but happiness keeps you refresh all day. These inspiring words of wisdom will bring a smile to your face. These quotes are specially created to make you happy in every scenario of your life. Get the list of best Happiness Quotes only at Crave Books.

If I can bring happiness to people all around the world, then I will try my best to do so.
While television is a good servant, it's a bad master. It can swallow up huge quantities of our lives without much happiness bang for the buck.
Judgment is a negative frequency
The groundwork of all happiness is health.
They say all marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning
People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you're going to lose. You're just going to. Even if you get the money, you're not going to be happy.
If you've got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing