
Non-fiction List Building Giveaway

  • First Winner: Kindle Fire 7 Tablet + All Books
  • Second Winner: All Books
  • Third Winner: All Books
Non-fiction List Building Giveaway

Author Testimonials

Open Internationally

250+ Emails Guaranteed

2,000+ Authors Served


Price: $50

Giveaway Sponsors

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We help thousands of authors like you successfully build their email audiences with active readers who actually buy your books.

  • You are guaranteed to get at least 250 new readers for your email list.
  • To participate, you need Non-fiction (includes all subgenres; cookbooks, how-to, self-help, memoir etc.) and you need to offer an eBook copy of your book (that will be distributed to the three winners) through an .epub file. Then we'll take care of the rest including a targeted Facebook ad to readers who enjoy this genre.
  • The three Winners receive a great prize, and you get the email list of all the readers who signed up for the giveaway.

At the end of the giveaway, the reader emails will be added to your author dashboard.

Sign up today and if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

How it Works


You choose the book

Upon signing up, select the book you want to include in the promotion or giveaway. It can be a new release or anything from your backlist. Just make sure it fits the parameters of the chosen giveaway.


We provide the tools for success

Not only do we supply the grand prize, but we’ll also provide you with all the graphic and copy you need for your social channels and newsletter.


Share and share alike

We’ll share the promotion with all of our subscribers, our network of websites and then create a custom Facebook advertising campaign as well. This is guaranteeing you high visibility. You share the promotion with your newsletter subscribers and social accounts to ensure your loyal fans get a great deal.



At the end of the promotion, you get the contest data promised according to the giveaway, plus the emails of the readers who signed up. Everyone comes out ahead!

Frequently Asked Questions

YES. Your email list is the biggest factor in your book sales and repeat customers/sales. For every book release you should be sending to your email list as soon as it's out. You also want to grow your list in any way that makes sense.

You select the book you want to giveaway during checkout. The books you see listed on checkout are the books you have added to your account. If you haven't created an account you will need to do so, then add the book you want to use for the giveaway in the "My Books" section.

Then when the giveaway is over, we will add your book to the readers account dashboard. From there they can read it online or send it to their Kindle or eReader.

Each giveaway for a specific genre. If your book isn't in the genre listed above please check back. We will be hosting other genre specific giveaways very soon.

We send out notifications to our email lists, create Facebook campaigns to drive traffic, authors who are part of the giveaway are also encouraged to share them on their social pages and to their email lists.

Giveaway Testimonials

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Follower Increase Giveaway Testimonials

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