
Nonfiction Audiobook List Builder

  • First Winner: All Audio Books
  • Second Winner: All Books
  • Third Winner: All Books
Nonfiction Audiobook List Builder

Giveaway Sponsors

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75+ Emails Guaranteed

Mail Service Integration Available

"Clean" Emails (Spam emails removed)

56948+ Readers Added to Date

Promo Graphics and Marketing Copy Provided


Price: $9


We help thousands of authors like you successfully build their email audiences with active readers/listeners who actually buy your books.

  • You are guaranteed to get at least 75 new readers for your email list.
  • To participate, you need a Nonfiction Audiobook and you need to offer a link/code to a free copy of your audiobook. Then we'll take care of the rest including a targeted Facebook ad to readers who enjoy this genre.
  • One winner gets a copy of each of the audiobooks and you get the email list of all the readers who signed up for the giveaway.

At the end of the giveaway, the reader emails will be added to your author dashboard.

Sign up today and if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

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