
Aenga Besceawung

Member Since: 05/2024


I intend this work to exist for the purpose of recording those thoughts which I desire should persist despite the fallibility of my memory and the ever-present threat of censure by those who would find such ideas objectionable. I intend that you find some or all the thoughts and opinions herein of value, but if my opinions are not to your tastes, that is no more a problem than choosing not to view a flower should you not find it to your liking at the moment. The flower will continue in its beauty without your eyes to behold it for it exists of itself, and these ideas, while not real as the flower is real, have a profound effect upon my life. For you who desire to understand the Way of the World from the perspective that I have cultivated and who wish to follow the metaphorical path that I author for you to tread as I am, walk on. Understand the lessons I continue to learn.