
Amanda Kimberley

Member Since: 04/2021


Amanda Kimberley is a Connecticut native who now lives in the warmth of Northern Texas with her zoo consisting of a husky dog, tuxedo cat, mice, rabbits, fish tank, two daughters, and a husband.

Her nonfiction blog—Fibro and Fabulous—focuses on the chronic disease fibromyalgia and has garnered recognition from various organizations, including Health Magazine, and has been named as a top blog for fibro sufferers.

When Kimberley is not writing nonfiction, she enjoys penning romance. Her first Furry United Coalition story, The Turtle and the Hare, earned the 2020 Summer Splash Book Awards of Ink and Scratches for Best Romance.

When she is not writing, you can find her cooking whole foods for her pack. She also enjoys reading, hiking, and gaming.

Find her online:

Website: authoramandakimberley.com

BookBub: bookbub.com/profile/amanda- kimberley

Facebook Group: facebook.com/ groups/AmandaKimberleysReaderGroup