Amanda Penney | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Amanda Penney

Member Since: 05/2023


Amanda Penney is a bisexual casual writer and first-time author who has had a passion for writing for many years. She wants to create new and exciting stories to transport you away from the worries of the world. 

She undertook the writing of Guardians of the Light: Rebirth after spending years writing short stories to express her thoughts and feelings, providing a safe place to escape. 

She wants to provide some type of positive representation for the LGBTQ+ community in her current and future books. 

She lives Victoria, BC and works as a healthcare assistant, spending many night shifts writing ideas to paper.

When she's not writing or working, she spends her days at home with her mom, dogs, Apollo & Theo, four parrots, Koko, Carver, Lilo & Stitch and a variety of fishes.