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Arjay Lewis

Member Since: 02/2021


Arjay Lewis (aka R.J. Lewis) is a multi-award-winning author, entertainer, and magician. He has experienced every level of show business from street-performing to Broadway. Arjay’s novels have won over twenty-six awards. The Muse: A Novel of Unrelenting Terror, won 14 awards in the Horror category in book competitions. His urban fantasy novel, The Wizards Of Central Park West won 6 Awards including the coveted Eric Hoffer Award. He also is the author of the In The Mind series, which consists of ten novels with more to come. Arjay’s published stories have appeared in H.P. Lovecraft Magazine Of Horror, Weird Tales, and Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine. He also has been published in the anthology The Lacy Curtain Between Life & Death.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I spend a great deal of time restoring my 170 year old farmhouse on 2 1/2 acres in New Jersey. I am also still a performing magician, and usually doing shows when not writing.

When and why did you start writing books?

I started writing in the 1990s. I was very busy then, so I didn't have a schedule per se, but I did learn my craft and sold some short stories to magazines.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I was performing on a cruise ship in 2017 when I decided to publish. My manuscripts were getting a lot of attention, and I had six finished books all ready done. I decided to commit to start to publish and running it more like a business than a hobby. I have not regretted that choice.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Usually the one I am currently writing. Though I have a soft spot for Doctor Leonard Wise, since I've written 10 books that feature him, the In The Mind series.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

My most recent horror novel, The Vanishing. I expected to have a rough draft in a little over a month that dragged out to three. Even then the first draft was a mess, and my editor, Libby Broadbent, was able to point out my mistakes and get me on the right path. The finished product is my best novel yet.

Who is your favourite author and book?

Dean Koontz- False Memory. The brilliance of Koontz's writing is that he makes you really care for the characters, and makes them fully rounded human beings.

What book are you reading right now?

Faithless in Death by J.D. Robb. I've read all 50 of the In Death series. Nora Roberts (JD Robb is a pen name) is able to craft great police procedurals with a stunning recurring cast and a hint of romance as well.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

I have an entire folder of ideas waiting to be written. A story I read will catch my eye and then that leads to a series of "What if..." questions , and the story starts to bubble in the back of my mind. However, it is not until I sit down to write it that the full story starts to reveal itself. I am usually surprised by the direction the story takes. It's part of what motivates me to keep writing...I want to know what happens next. This technique is not for everyone, but it works for me.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Playing cards with the neighbors, sipping wine with my wife, having friends over for dinner. I lead a really normal life, and that is the best choice for me. I need stability to get in my daily writing.

Do you have any new books in the works?

My latest Doctor Wise book is about to be released, and I am working on my next horror novel.