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B.A. Vonsik
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Member Since: 11/2021


The Multiple-Award Winning Epic Science Fantasy Book Series Author and Creator of the Primeval Origins® Epic Saga.

A story 65 million years in the making where Jurassic Park meets Stargate SG1!

Primeval Origins® Epic Saga series - 42 awards and honors.
- Primeval Origins: Paths of Anguish (#1) - 11 Awards
- Primeval Origins: Light of Honor (#2) - 11 Awards
- Primeval Origins: Rise of Serpents (#3) - 19 Awards
- Primeval Origins: Book #4 is in-works [Title to be announced in 2024!]
- Primeval Origins: Winds of Prophecy - U.S.S. SPARTAN is in the works [Book #1 in this Epic Sci-Fi series to be released soon!]
- Primeval Origins: The Harbinger of Judgments - 1 Award [Fan-only short-story at the BAVonsik author website - Available NOW!]

B.A. Vonsik is a 1985 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and flew as an USAF Special Operator aviator in missions world-wide during the Cold War, Panama, and Gulf War before transitioning to an adventurous 25-year career as a systems engineer in Lockheed Martin. While architecting advanced simulators and training systems for the US DoD and allies around the world, B.A. Vonsik spent his “off time” creating and detailing the worlds of Primeval Origins®. His insatiable curiosity as to why so many of our myths and legends, from so many cultures which never interacted with each other, are so very similar, B.A. learned of our human origins not taught to us in school…our undiscovered history. Now retired from Lockheed Martin after a highly successful career as a principal systems engineer, B.A. Vonsik is focusing on his writing and storytelling.

Armed with 40+ years of research and knowledge into our...
• Accepted Human History,
• Ancient Alien Theory,
• Undiscovered History,
• Ufology,
• Mythologies and Legends,
• - Sumerian
• - Egyptian
• - Greek
• - Norse
• - Eastern
• - Olmec
• - Mayan
• - Aztec
• - Native American Traditions
• - African Tribal Traditions
• - Aboriginal Traditions
• - Many Others
• Sciences…
• - Archeology
• - Paleontology
• - Geology
• - Oceanography
• - Climatology and Weather
• - Modern and Future Engineering Technologies
• - Metaphysical studies
• Our World Religions as written in the...
• - Tanakh
• - Torah
• - Holy Bible
• - Quran
• - Hindu Vedic texts.

B.A. Vonsik reveals our mind-bending human story in his multiple award-winning science fantasy Primeval Origins® Epic Saga, answering the question, “What if all of our myths and legends are true?”

Learn more about B.A. Vonsik, his books, stories, and game in the works at

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I am a 1985 graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and flew as an USAF Special Operations aviator (MC-130s) before joining the training and simulation defense industry (long story that includes medical issues preventing me from continuing a flying career). While working in my adventurous careers, when not doing husband things and being dad to my children, I spent much of my time off researching, creating, and detailing the world of Primeval Origins®. I enjoyed playing role-playing games from my days at the Air Force Academy and became curious about why many of our mythological pantheons seemed so similar despite the cultures "creating" them having never interacted with each other. I created the Primeval Origins® science fantasy saga based on more than 30 years of research into our mythologies, ancient alien theory, accepted academic human history and then deeply into our undiscovered history, the hard and soft sciences, ancient and modern and future technologies, metaphysical studies, and deeply into the teachings of the Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, and other religions. What I discovered was mind bending and is written into the pages of my multiple award-winning science fantasy epic.

When and why did you start writing books?

I've always had a desire to explore and write epic stories. I dabbled in writing from my days in middle school through to my forties when I decided to take what I had learned in my research and be serious about telling the astonishing and epic tale of possibilities of our undiscovered human history.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I spent almost ten years into my forties teaching myself how not to write epic novel style stories. When I was satisfied I had a solid story and the ability to tell it, I looked to writing as my next career...after football at the high school and intercollegiate levels, as an aviator in the United States Air Force, and as a system engineer in the defense industry...as part of my retirement plan from the rest. Presently, I'm still working as a principal systems engineer in training systems as I build my writing credentials and publish the foundation of the Primeval Origins story.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

So far, all the books are my favorites. The same with the characters, though I have a special affinity with all the main characters as they are built from friends and family role-playing aspects of each of them. I'll keep who is who for each of the characters untold for now. Their personalities are very much captured within the characters. Each has an interesting story all on their own...including two of the characters which I role-played as a cadet and as father to my then ten year old son who wanted to play. Even my son's role-played character is one of the main characters in the Primeval Origins story.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Book one, Primeval Origins: Paths of Anguish. So much of the epic story had to be put together before starting its telling. Had I not spent that time and effort, the story across the books would be a mishmash of singular stories that would not be epic nor would they tell it well. Now, keeping the story details honest and consistent is one of the more difficult challenges.

Who is your favourite author and book?

Robert Jordan and Robert E. Howard. I have several others I also deeply like though the story telling by Jordan and Howard of the Wheel of Time and the the Conan sagas are much to my liking and a part of the pattern of the Primeval Origins saga.

What book are you reading right now?

The research into our ancient past and human civilizations fills what time I'm not writing the Primeval Origins story or doing husband, dad, and granddad things. Books and articles of Forbidden Archeology, mythologies, and ancient discoveries are always at the top of my list.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Please read above to start. I have compiled a history of earth and the other planets spanning back to the dawn of the solar system and then deeper into the past to the creation of the universe and the celestial hierarchy. It's all the background of the Primeval Origins EPIC saga. Then, we get more specific into the creation myths from around the world, though most notably from the Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic), Hindu, and the ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and their associated Greek and other classical mythologies. They all speak to the same creation of the universe, earth, and us. They just speak to it in their own ways. Then, add a big touch of biblical archeology, forbidden archeology, the sciences, and what we know and speculate about our current and past human civilizations...yes, civilizations, to round out the whole story in the Primeval Origins saga. I think that's a good starting point.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

When I'm not doing all of everything I've spoken of, I enjoy shooting sports, hunting, and fishing when I can arrange the time.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Book four in the Primeval Origins Epic Saga is hot and heavy in the works. The first three Horsemen are introduced in the first three books. Yep, they are not what you may think if you have visions of them as the demonic undead on colored steeds. Book four is introducing the Fourth Horseman and all that's associated with the character and the worlds past and present/near-future. Under the Celestial Fury Publishing banner (the indie publisher of the Primeval Origins story) we are also working on a role-playing game set in the Primeval Origins ancient story line. It's another way to tell the story, in great detail, especially to those who are not book readers but will gobble up rules books and story modules. More to come on this project.

Primeval Origins: The Harbinger of Judgments (Epic Science Fantasy)

Primeval Origins: The Harbinger of Judgments (Epic Science Fantasy)

The End of the World is Just the Beginning! The Primeval Origins® Epic Saga science fantasy adventure series stands unique among epic story telling - Winner of 42 literary awards and honors!? A great read for teens, young adults, and adults of all ages. "Been a fan of Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels for over 20 years, and reading this book reminded me that there are still plenty of unique and amazing stories out there to tell. It reads like one of the classic fantasy novels..." Goodreads and Amazon Reviewer of Primeval Origins® series "So exceptionally written... this [science fantasy] series is destined to be recognized as a classic." Reader Views Award-Winning Review of Primeval Origins® series Ancient Alien Theory Gone Wild!   BREAKING NEWS! Primeval Origins: The Harbinger of Judgments Is WINNER of the National Association of Book Entrepreneurs (NABE) Winter 2024 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award for Best Science Fantasy Book FREE for a Limited Time - Click for B.A. Vonsik Offer below! To Herald the Future, He Must Defeat the Past! Battling the malevolent God of Death and his guardian beast of Tsae’Phon over the fate of the Earth, will the Master Kabiri Icharo sacrifice himself to save his friends and the world to find greater powers more ancient commanding destinies all and holding judgements over our Eternal Souls. The Omega and Alpha to the multiple award-winning science fantasy series, the Primeval Origins® Epic Saga. The Harbinger of Judgments is a special novella for fans wanting exciting epic adventures... the Primeval Origins® Epic Saga has them in spades. FOR A LIMITED TIME - Primeval Origins: The Harbinger of Judgments digital book is available as a Reader Magnet in B.A.Vonsik’s Offer. Click and get Your Book below!