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Bobby Hutchinson
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Member Since: 02/2023


Bobby Hutchinson writes books about almost everything as long as everything involves romance, quirky people, outrageous kids, deafness, time travel, or medicine, most of which she's familiar with. (Well, maybe not time travel.) She faints at the sight of blood, although her best-selling medical romance series, Emergency, does have the occasional scene involving bodily fluids. She's written over 60 books, mostly romance, with a few memoirs tossed in. How Not To Run A B&B was chosen by the Kootenay Library Association as Best Book of the Year, and is now being made into a film. She's now writing fast because at 83, who knows?

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I'm an 83-year-old book fanatic. I write, read, adore books in every form. I'm fascinated by technology and I'm exploring AI as a tool to help with outlines and plotting. I ride around town on my three-wheeled bike. In the summer, I pull Calamity, my tiny camper, behind my van, to campgrounds around B.C. I walk every day, go to the theatre to see the latest movies. I feel blessed to have lived this long, have ideas for lots more books, and plan to finish the last one on my last day.

When and why did you start writing books?

I was training for the Vancouver marathon, which is boring because you run and run. So I began writing stories in my head and writing them down. One story, Pheiddipidis Was Not A Family Man, won first prize in a major contest.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

After winning the Best Shor Story contest I decided to give it a try.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

How Not To Run A B&B, my nonfiction memoir about running a B&B in Vancouver.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Actually, three of them. Yesterday's Gold, A Distant Echo and Now And Then, time travel tales set in B.C. which included historical details. Love those books!!

Who is your favourite author and book?

Whichever series I'm addicted to at the moment. I love C.J. Box, Emilie Richards, Kristan Higgins.

What book are you reading right now?

Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Everywhere. Other books, movies, my sister Karen.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Riding my bike, pulling Calamity, my little trailer, to campgrounds, spending hours at wonderful consignment stores imagining who might have worn the glamorous, exotic clothes. Buying not-so-exotic things for myself.

Do you have any new books in the works?

At least three, one a non-fiction story, Me And Calamity Jane. An historical romance in the Western Prairie Brides series, and one about a contemporary woman on the prairies. No titles for the last two yet.