Bruce Blake | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Bruce Blake

Member Since: 11/2022


Award-winning author Bruce Blake lives on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. When pressing issues like shovelling snow and building igloos don’t take up his spare time, Bruce can be found taking the dog sled to the nearest coffee shop to work on his short stories and novels.

Actually, Victoria, B.C. is only a couple hours north of Seattle, Wash., where more rain is seen than snow. Since snow isn’t really a pressing issue, Bruce spends more time trying to remember to leave the “u” out of words like “colour” and “neighbour” than he does shovelling.

Bruce has been writing since grade school but it wasn’t until the mid-2000’s he set his sights on becoming a full-time writer. Since then, his first short story, “Another Man’s Shoes“ was published in the Winter 2008 edition of Cemetery Moon, another short, “Yardwork”,was made into a podcast in Oct., 2011 by Pseudopod. Since then, he has concentrated on writing novels, publishing the Khirro’s Journey trilogy (Blood of the King, Spirit of the King, and Heart of the King), three books in the ongoing Icarus Fell urban fantasy series (On Unfaithful Wings, All Who Wander are Lost, and Secrets of the Hanged Man), and the Books of the Small Gods series (When Shadows Fall, The Darkness Comes, And Night Descends, When Ravens Call, The Twilight Fades, and And Kingdoms End). The Book of Shadow (winner of the 2022 President's Book Award Gold Medal for Adult Fantasy from the Florida authors & publishers Assoc.) is the first book in the Curse of the Unnamed series, followed by Shadow Scarred, A Shadow Upon the Land, and In the Shadow of the Dragon.

Bruce has many more projects simmering on the back burner, so stay tuned.