Chelle Pimblott | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Chelle Pimblott

Member Since: 10/2020


I live in Melbourne, Australia, with my partner of over 20 years, two teenage sons, and our Irish Wolfhound, Sarge. There's always something going on around here, and the dog is usually at the centre of the mischief. He's a bit of a sock thief, but only the oldest child's or dad's, and they're usually found on my bed! In my early 20's, (prior to kids, and my partner, obviously) I sang in a couple of local bands on the weekends. Now I only sing for my own amusement, and pleasure. The bonus is, now I get to use my singing to annoy my children! I've also been baking, and decorating cakes since my late teens, and I've made a lot of different styles of cakes. Everything from wedding cakes, to kids birthday cakes. I even made a cookie cake one year for my youngest son, it looked like something the dog left behind, but the kids loved it! I love creating new, and exciting designs for my family, and close friends, it feeds my soul, and my need to be creative, as well as my sweet tooth! Writing is something I've always wanted to do. English was one of my favourite classes, because I could write essays. The only problem was, I couldn't keep to words limits, and I still can't! Mind you, my word limits are my own these days, but I still always go over what I have planned. Apparently I can't shut up! Being an author as been a dream for as long as I can remember. Self-publishing has made that dream a reality. My path to becoming a published author came about by pure accident. After reading romance novels since I was in my early teens, (way too early to be reading the bodice rippers that I was!) I wrote a small piece, and asked a close friend to read it. I knew she read what I did, and would tell me if it was good ... or not! She told the rest of our circle of friends, they read it, and wanted more, and well, one thing led to another which led to my first novel being published. That small piece, is now a very edited, and added to last chapter of 'Sneaky', the first book in my Sneaky Love Series.