
Christoffel Sneijders

Member Since: 04/2023


Christoffel Sneijders was born in Amsterdam (1965), the Netherlands, for already more than thirty years he is focussed on business training, executive coaching, and working as a therapist with clients with severe issues in Europe, Middle East, Asia, USA and Australia.

Working with so many people in a direct way gave him the insight and how we are all the same and how we can flourish or suffer in our life. This journey and research lead him to the 3 Brains (Head, Heart and Gut) theory. This 3 Brains Theory is the simple explanation why we as humans do what we do based on how we biologically are designed with 3 Brains and what their individual job description is. Working with this concept in relationships, personal development or working with trauma’s is amazingly effective and successful.

But it was not until 2017 when a client pushed him to share this with the world and write a book about it after she had a remarkable recovery after just one session.

His passion is to contribute to world that is living with a soul and a heart, instead of following the path of selfishness and being focussed on consuming to make us feel happy. So many countries, companies and people are still living according Machiavelli’s adagium: “when you as a ruler have to choose between fear and love choose fear as people can say no to love but not to fear”

Furthermore in his passion to spread this theory he created the 3 Brains - the head, the heart and gut - coach certification training to train people to work with it. This is an ICF (International Coach Federation) accredited training.