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Conor Higgins
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Member Since: 12/2023


Conor Higgins is a passionate fantasy author with a Master's degree and over 30 years of experience in reading and writing within the genre. A self-published indie author, Conor currently lives in a picturesque seaside village, surrounded by nature, and shares his home with two dogs and a cat. His love for fantasy ignited during childhood, on a road trip where he immersed himself in the world of Middle Earth. His debut series, The Ascension Chronicles, is a thrilling epic, with the first three books—Bloodline, Shar’Adan, and Flame—now available to readers. Conor's dedication to his craft is evident in his ongoing commitment to storytelling and his connection to the fans who follow his work. Proud member of The Fellowship of the Indie Author - check them out for other amazing creative stories.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I love reading, chess, and sudoku, and with a career spanning over thirty years in IT, I am buying into a certain stereotype. Travel has become important to me since I hit my twenties and could afford to head overseas. I have tried several times to learn a new language and play an instrument. I keep failing, but I challenge myself again every few years until the inevitable happens.

When and why did you start writing books?

I started over thirty years ago in my early twenties. Of course, life gets in the way, and you put all of your hobbies on the back burner until you realize it's time for that bucket list. The first item I added was writing a novel. Now, I have written two, and I'm well into my third. Of course, I still have a lot to learn about the craft, but I am a fast learner, so I will get it right at some point.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Well, until I make money, I would not classify my writing as a career. For me, it is the love of sharing my story and making connections with people around the globe who enjoy my work. I originally started my novel for two reasons. I hit an age milestone and decided now was the time. Secondly, I am writing this series for my son. I am trying to model that you need to indulge in your creative passions and that anything is possible if you apply yourself.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

The two main characters in my books are James and Ciara. They are both young, in their early twenties, and falling deeply in love. The main character, James, reminds me of what I would have liked myself to be thirty years ago: thoughtful, humble, and wise beyond my years. Of course, that never happened, and I spent my twenties trying to figure out what to do with my life. No, the character I associate the most closely with is James's father, Navan. Why? Read the book, and I will explain the reasons.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

The first, it is always the first. Once you overcome the seemingly insurmountable hurdle, the second is easier and usually much better.

Who is your favourite author and book?

My first fantasy book was Tolkien's The Hobbit. I loved the escapism, the imagery, and the amazing, fabulous, wonderful world of Middle Earth. It set me on the path I am still traveling down forty years later.

What book are you reading right now?

I am a little over LitRPG and read anything in High Fantasy that shies away from the game-based approach.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

As mentioned, Tolkien, Eddings, Cs Lewis, Feist, Anthony Ryan, Joe Abercrombie, Phillip Quaintrell, Will Wright, and Robert Jordan. Anyone who writes in High Epic fantasy where you can immerse yourself in new worlds.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Writing. I am still working a day job as I haven't written a best seller yet, so outside of work, family time, and other commitments, I prioritize writing whenever I can.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Of course! My series has only just begun, but I have detailed plots for the first six books and rough ideas for at least the next four. Once the Ascension Chronicles is complete, I might write a few novels based on the same world as Eoth. Like everyone else, I would be heartbroken if I hadn't been able to read about the end of Pug's life or even Rand Al'Thor's.