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DJ Adamson

Member Since: 01/2024


D.J. Adamson is the author of seven suspense novels. Her Lillian Dove Mystery Series, which revolves around the escapades of amateur detective Lillian Dove has earned First Category awards. Her gripping Suspense Crime thriller Into the Storm garnered recognition in 2021 and earned her a nomination for a Clue Award. Her thrillers often delve into the realms of psychology and incorporate elements of the paranormal, metaphysical, and science fiction. Alongside writing novels, Dj publishes the online book review magazine Le Coeur de l’Artiste. She interviews featured authors from the magazine on her blog, L’Artiste.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I am interested in the possibilities of everything. My Lillian Dove Mystery series looks at the idea of conquering alcoholism and having to take on life anew. By delving into the possibilities of alien realities and beings, Into the Storm showcases how far the term "alien" can be extended. There is so much out there to learn and think about. Quantum Physics? So fascinating and a bit of the concepts in all my work.

When and why did you start writing books?

I became a published novelist in 2013 after having worked in the publishing and marketing world and academia. Both busy careers, still I wrote for two hours every morning, writing and publishing in literary marketplaces, saving my first-draft novels in a closet for when there was time to look at what I wanted to say to the world.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Needing to make a living. I never thought of it as a career. Instead, I took my Master's in English into a career in sales and marketing, which is an asset today in getting my work out there. And, spent these last years in academia, allowing me to study the best in literature to learn the craft of telling a story.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Does anyone ever have an answer to which character they like best? I have three: Lillian Dove, who is heroic enough to change the pain of her past into a new look into her future; Teddy Templeton, a mistreated boy treated as an alien because of his physical appearance—who just might be an alien; and Jack Goodman in the novel At The Edge of No Return who wakes up to find himself dead and not knowing by who or why.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

I enjoy working with themes, starting then with what I want to say in order to find my characters and plot. Therefore, I think both Into the Storm which stretches the theme alien, and the Lillian Dove novel With a Vengeance which stretches the word vengeance has been the hardest. So far!

Who is your favourite author and book?

I say read to best in order to learn the craft. Jose Saramargo's Blindness is one of the best in learning what to say by using themes. He stretches the word blindness in a multitude of ways with plot and character.

What book are you reading right now?

I publish a review magazine Le Coeur de l'Artiste that is found online at djadamson.com. I read 8 books a month to find 5-6 I feel my readers will find worth reading for a great many reasons: literary quality, craft of writing, craft of telling a story, and entertainment. I also interview an artist a month on l'Artiste which is connected to the magazine.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

I write articles on finding your creative muse. My muse has been with me since childhood and has always been whispering characters and stories.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

With two new Rat Terrier pups, I am busy with, "What do you have now!" I also enjoy traveling the world before the world closes up or I get too old.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Lillian Dove Mystery Book, #5, will come out in Spring 2025, Without a Doubt. Cookin' Up Disaster, Book 2 of the Davidson & Welsh series will be about late Spring 2025.