
Dave Ryan Haaiski

Member Since: 06/2024


Hi, I am Dave Ryan Haaiski, a YA Action Adventure author. I love wildlife, especially big cats. After my visits to the jungle, I was always left unsatisfied, because the tiger sightings were either brief or there wasn’t much to see beyond them just sitting around and relaxing in the shade. What I wanted to see were the territorial fights, the hunts, the conflicts, the parent-cub communication, their interactions with other species, etc. In short, I wanted to be that bird on a tree who sees their life unfold on a daily basis. Besides, all the interesting stories I heard about them were never witnessed personally by me. The idea for this book stemmed from that frustration. Writing it was fun, for I had a fertile imagination right from childhood, when I often created stories of my own to kill time. The writing journey took me almost four years, but it has been a rewarding one, and I look forward to experiencing many more in the coming years. Here’s wishing you safe travels, folks!