Exclusive Interview with Declan Finn | Insights & Stories on CraveBooks

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Declan Finn

Member Since: 01/2021


I'm Declan Finn, the author of 27 books. Some of my books are what happens when you mix a historian with John Wick. My vampire novels come from someone who ponders the metaphysics of vampires and how their microbiology works. My Saint Tommy NYPD series is basically what happens when I take religion, then add lightsabers and powered armor.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I've published 27 novels, and I have a few more that haven't even been published et. My hobbies include studying history, reading, video games, collecting trivia, chemistry facts, and just hanging out.

When and why did you start writing books?

I've been writing since I was 16, I started with fan fiction that I never published (I didn't even know fan fiction was a thing back then). When I turned the "fan fiction" into an 800,000 word epic that bore little to no relation to the events of the original media,

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I feel compelled to write.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

It's a tossup between Marco from my Love at First Bite series and Thomas Nolan. Marco is fun to write. But I'd feel better having a drink with Nolan.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Probably my "Pius Trilogy." It started off as a research paper in grad school. It was going to be one novel. Then it spiraled into a 240,000 word epic that was one novel. Carving it up into three different novels was tough, and it was the most rewritten works I've had to deal with.

Who is your favourite author and book?

That would depend on the genre. Thriller: Vertical Run, by Joseph Garber. Fantasy: Jim Butcher Classical: Les Miserables

What book are you reading right now?

I'm actually between books. My last one was Prospero Lost, by L. Jagi Lamplighter.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Everywhere. I've gotten books out of historical research papers I've written. I've gotten a whole series out of a college course. I've written books because liked a premise for a film / show, but I hated how it was executed.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

What is this thing called spare time? When I force myself into not working, I'm spending time with my wife, on drives out on Long Island, or reading, or tracking fewer and fewer TV shows.

Do you have any new books in the works?
