Dennis Macy | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Dennis Macy

Member Since: 06/2023


Macy was an instructor in the teaching profession for 36 years. Author of two #1 Best Selling eBooks on Amazon, “The Angelic Realm,” which is a revealing look into the spiritual world that will provide you with hope, comfort and inspiration along with his latest book, “Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World.” It's a glimpse into what angels, spirits, and our dearly departed want us to know. In addition, he authored the books, "Making Smart Choices," a book written to assist students in finding success during their high school years and "Staying Strong," written to assist instructors on the secondary/college level. When he is not writing, you would find him researching and exploring the different disciplines of meditation along with developing his abilities in healing mediumship. When time permits, he is outdoors gardening, cycling along with following the University of Maryland sports teams.