Donald Guadagni | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Donald Guadagni

Member Since: 01/2023


Donald Guadagni is an international educator, author, and writer currently involved with Human Rights Defender research and projects. His publication work includes human rights, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, myth, science fiction, fantasy, humor, academic, romance, humor, true crime, internationally published photography and his artwork. 

Prior publications appear in:  Cirque magazine ( Vol 10, 12, 25 ), Utopia Science Fiction, The Vital Sparks, The Showbear Family Circus, Poets Choice, Wingless Dreamer,  Ariel's Dream, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, Critical Read, Passenger Journal, Drunk Monkeys, E.R.I.C ( Education Resources Information Center ), Hyakumonogatari kaidankai 100 ghost stories, Flare journal, Jalmurra, Ab-terra-flash-fiction_issue-2, E-International Relations, Bewildering Stories, Sandstorm Journal, Juste Milieu Lit & Art Zine, Military Experience and the Arts, The Ilanot Review, Las Positas College Literary Arts Festival May, 2022, nat1publishing.com, Smithsonian Learning Labs, Vermilion (cua.edu), The Rush.  Voices de la Luna. The Yard ( True Crime ), London Photo Festival (3), Coffee People Zine / Issue 18 / COMPLEX, Changing Skies vol #1, Chestnut Review. Human Rights Blog Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law. Academy of the Heart and Mind.