Dwight Bennett | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Dwight Bennett

Member Since: 02/2023


Sam Berretti was born and raised in the High Plains city of Lubbock, Texas. Cotton was king, and oil wells and cattle were always close by. The land was as flat as his mother's tattered ironing board, and Spring was always ushered in with dust storms, tumbleweeds, and tornadoes. Sam moved to Florida to attend the University of Florida, met a woman he says was gracious enough to allow him to marry her, and raised two amazing children. Sam is an avid naturalist and photographer, as well as an author. Although writing started at an early age and took many forms, mystery fiction has always been a favorite.

"When I began writing, I was inspired by several authors like Lee Child, Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich, Robert Crais, and Nora Roberts (as J.D. Robb) - writers creating flawed characters overcoming horrific hurdles and solving complex mysteries. I've tried to craft my own writing after their styles of tight action, subtle humor, and unique characters. Added to this is a sprinkling of the paranormal and romance for flavor. I don't have a favorite book as much as favorite series. I always enjoy reading the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child. He has an uncanny way of describing characters and action scenes. His plots are believable, and the endings are solid."