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Darren Mitchell
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Member Since: 03/2025


Hello my Name is Darren (Pen Names EchoingTales/DAMitchell) first I want to thank you for taken the time to visit my website, on this site you will find all books that has been written or published by me. I am excited to share my work with you all. To tell a bit about myself I am a big family guy loving spending time with my family, spending as much time as often with my life partner, reading books of many genres and listening to audiobooks and music, And a Christian man. Many of the stories you will find Written by myself will be fantasy, rags to riches stories and some Faith base stories, and at times I might try my hand in other genres as well. I am not that big on social media but I try to be as connected as I can with those who read my work and give feedback or a review. So if you like love work and like to reach out to me on facebook, I will do my best to respond as quickly as I can, best to email me if you need to get in touch with me and that email will be displayed in the contact us page. Once again you for visiting and happy reading.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

Reading and listening to books and audiobooks, hiking, reading bible spending time with my wife. Love writing stories and poems in spare time

When and why did you start writing books?

6 months ago but I been working on a stories for a year but keep having writer block so I am writing that series slowly

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

My wife telling me I had a gift for telling stories nothing else

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Aldric in my book favorites me because because when he set out on his adventure in the Sunborn Legacy he was inexperienced in his knowledge of the world and it took him experiencing all the challenges while in Drakonia for him to realize those inconsistencies and the lack of experience. And that is where I am at in my writings I am inexperienced yes I wrote stories in the past but the were not novels so like Aldrice I am exploring new territories to gain knowledge and grow in this area as an author. Same as Aldric when he finally became the king of Solaria

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

All of them are because with each story I fight the urge to give more information then need in a particular scenes and try not to be repetitive and a lot of areas. But the hardest are the self help book I am writing now and the faith books because those I feel are a huge responsibility because those type of book can effect peoples lives so I have to spend extra care in those making sure everything aligns right and in faith books I am using the right bible verses to make the point I want to make.

Who is your favourite author and book?

I don't have a favorite author, but I do have a couple of favorite book 1. Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill 2. Art of War by Sun Tzu 3. A Breaking of Realms: A Dragon Rider Fantasy by Realm Breaker 4. Invisible Billionaire audiobook 5. Curse of Northendell audiobook

What book are you reading right now?

Currently I am listening too Curse of Northendell audiobook

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

From the bible, and other books I reading, Also the classics like Robin Hood and other classic books

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Sleeping and reading the bible and working on short stories with my wife

Do you have any new books in the works?

I have 2 one I just finish called "A Whisper of Stars" fantasy book and a Self Help book series I am working on with my wife, and one more which I been working on for nearly a year now on wattpad