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Elizabeth Bristol

Member Since: 08/2022


ou have a unique and special assignment that only you can do. 
And it will make your spirit soar. 
Discover how to find it here!

God? No way! That’s what this globe-trotting party girl thought as she threw on her backpack and ran. Elizabeth just wanted to be happy. After the abortion, the date rape and the accident in Africa, drug abuse only masked her pain. Her own worst enemy, she wondered, How do I fill the void inside and find the ultimate journey worth living?

That’s when something amazing happened in a scare at sea.

Elizabeth thought life as a Christian would be boring and she’d have no cool friends. But in this vulnerable and soul-searching experience, she found the adventure of a lifetime, a variety of unique and special friends, and an infinitely loving God. And as she hung out with Him, He led her back to the people involved in the painful parts of her past and taught her how to forgive. In that healing she so desperately needed, she experienced the amazing gift of freedom!


If you like adventure and inspiration with a touch of the unusual, you’ll love this behind-the-scenes peek into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

This book will help you: 

  • learn how to encounter a real and personal God
  • see how the Christian faith is more relevant than ever before
  • embrace the keys you need to make a better story out of your own life
  • recognize your superpowers andteach you how to use them!

Mary Me: One Woman’s Incredible Adventure with God is the perfect resource for those curious about the Christian faith or who want more than they already have.

It offers a fresh and unique perspective on life, love, and the amazing power of redemption.

And the coolest thing about this book isn’t the miraculous story God made from one person’s chaos. It’s that He wants to do the same for you!

When you walk in your destiny, nothing can steal the peace that passes all understanding! Let this book help you find that!

Trigger Warnings: Rape, abortion, and just so you know, there are a few swears in it.