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Frances Cross

Member Since: 02/2021


FIOLA HAS ALWAYS loved to read and write, with her first mini-story crafted at age five. She’s come a long way from chubby fingers wrapped around crayons putting words, albeit misspelled, to paper.

Nowadays, Fiola loves to dream of romance, and has exchanged crayons for a laptop so she can bring Shift into Romance to life. She lets her characters go crazy so they can indulge in paranormal sexy-times between the pages, where alpha men embrace their wild side and strong, independent women learn that muscles and fangs not only help them survive, but also find sensuous satisfaction while doing so.

She grew up a devout tomboy, tackling every tree on the block when Silicon Valley wasn’t even a gleam in San Jose’s eyes. Back in the day, she hit life full-tilt, from barrel-racing her Appaloosa as a teen, to running parkour across the Morro Bay breakwater, to surf-fishing in Hawaii in her twenties, and walking barefoot on the beach dreaming of romance.

Her travels these days are via the interweb's virtual worlds, where she's always on the lookout for that next story, that next place to bury the body. Or lock lips with an uber-alpha, muscular man who knows his way around a woman’s body and embraces feminine strength and all that entails.

Every experience garners even more fantasies for her characters, whether she’s crafting men with a wolven-self, or there’s a bear roaring to burst forth and claim his mate. Who knows, maybe one day, IRL (in real life), she'll find her own man with a wild-side whose abilities include kissing her ‘til she forgets her name.

She kicks-ass, takes names and crafts characters in the beautiful Portland Metro area of Oregon, where she cohabitates with her amazingly talented son and equally talented daughter-in-law, and their most affectionate cat Nudge.

Visit Fiola from time to time in her virtual corner of the world, where sexy men and women misbehave while she weaves them into stories, and if you have time, pop over to visit her alter-ego, Gemma Blake. See what she’s been up to, maybe drop her a line!

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I love taking pictures with my Canon camera, and also reading - romance, of course! I used to knit and make jewelry, but my hands hurt too much to keep that up. Hiking also used to be a weekly adventure, but with lupus a person needs to embrace the vampiric lifestyle, and coupled with hotter summers, I don't get out as much anymore. And it's a given I love writing romance, and dreaming up an imaginary guy for my own HEA. (grin)

When and why did you start writing books?

I've been writing short stories and poems since I was a child of about 6. I didn't start writing in earnest until 2012, publishing my first novella in 2014. If you do the math, you'll wonder why the heck it's taken me so long to get another book published? Well, I actually write every day and have written a few more, but have chronic health issues that keep derailing me. A car accident and terrible whiplash when I was 19 graced me with a headache that has never gone away. Weekly migraines are a thing. Add to that lupus and chronic mononucleosis (yeah, who knew it could be chronic and return?) kick my ass on a regular basis. Add in the day-job and you have delayed editing and publishing. Thankfully, I've found a rhythm that's keeping me writing daily and so will be publishing at least two books a year (one this year) from now on.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I've always had stories flitting in and out of my head, and was fascinated to watch my mother (freelance photographer and writer) and my father (poet) put pencil or manual typewriter to paper when I was younger. It's a craving, to write, and I'm not happy unless I can torture my characters at least every day.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

I loved writing Mine to Love, where both the male and female leads, Carrick & Nia, are kick-ass, independent, and sexy. It's been interesting to weave lupus into the book, since I was diagnosed in 2000 and have been wanting to include it in one of the books. It'll be featured throughout this new series, Quicksilver Garou: Lost & Found Mates.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

I think the one mentioned above, Mine to Love, has been the hardest so far. It's also the longest and has the most number of characters in it. Keeping a series bible updated is crucial when so much is going on.

Who is your favourite author and book?

Ohhhh, how dare you try to pin me down to ONE author! LOL I have several, but recently Anna Hackett and Amanda McKinney have been wowing me. I've been binge reading their series!

What book are you reading right now?

I'm re-reading Amanda McKinney's Evil Eye (Black Rose Mystery Book 4). This series rocks, big time!

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Inspiration comes from all over the place. You may think that's a cop-out answer, but honestly, anything I see or hear will trigger my author brain to think, "What if so & so happened in that store, or on that trail. Or, if something bad happened in that building, where would someone hide?"

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I love to read in my spare time, and fiddle in the yard. I'm hoping to get back to lifting weights, if my neck and headaches will start behaving! I love a good muscle burn and feeling strong.

Do you have any new books in the works?

I do! The book on this site, Mine to Love, is the first in a ten book paranormal series. I also have a couple of other books finished and in need of editing, which will be published under my other pen name Gemma Blake. They're contemporary romance with suspense elements.