Gallagher Green | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Gallagher Green

Member Since: 05/2024


Gallagher Green was born and raised in rural Kansas, USA. with the freedom to learn and build whatever was interesting to them at that moment. They were encouraged to learn the skills needed to build or repair, to learn the knowledge to answer their questions, and to ask more. After years of asking themselves hypothetical questions that seemingly had no answer, they started answering the questions in the only way that made sense... by writing the answers in the form of stories. With this, they started their career as authors—a career they had never intended on. But now, they hope their stories will help answer the questions their readers have in their lives in the same way other authors have helped them answer their questions. Instagram: @gallagher.green.author TikTok: @gallagher.green.author