
Inge Moore

Member Since: 07/2024


Inge Moore studied creative writing at both the undergraduate and post-graduate level at the University of Alberta. There she worked with such revered writers as Governor General's Award Winning author, Rudy Wiebe. She also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree (Zoology) from the University of Guelph. Over the years she has worked as a biologist, a research scientist, an economic development officer, an office manager, an immigration officer, a financial officer, a writer, and an equestrian. Moore's short stories have been published in numerous magazines and have been broadcast on radio. She received First Prize in an annual Writer's Digest Short Fiction Competition. Moore has spent most of her life in Canada, moving between Alberta, the Northwest Territories, and Ontario, and has also lived in Austria and Great Britain. Currently she resides in a small town in Ontario, Canada. She enjoys nature, horses, dogs, art, reading, and, of course, writing.