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Jack Tesla

Member Since: 08/2023


Jack Tesla was born in Ukraine. He grew up in the Donbass region, in an industrial town. In 2014, he was compelled to relocate to Kiev due to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Since February 24, 2022, the author has been an eyewitness to Russia's full-scale war on Ukraine. In his life, he is researcher of politicians in domestic and international politics, historical events, and journalism. Through his books, the author aims to convey the detrimental influence of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. Ukraine, in turn, is an integral part of the European family and the entire civilized democratic world. The Ukrainian people are the heroes of our time, fighting for life and peace, for their cities and country against hostile aggression, for freedom and democracy - for each and every one of us and the future of our children in a civilized world.