Jeanne Roland

#Followers: 3

Jeanne Roland

Member Since: 12/2021


A barracks full of beautiful boys. A girl in disguise, living among them.

It’s the 14th century, and 15-year-old Marieke is as obsessed with the archers’ guild of Saint Sebastian as everyone else in Ardennes. Here twelve of the best and most beautiful young Journeyman archers compete every year for a coveted spot on the prince’s bodyguard. But when Marieke is forced to flee to the guild for refuge, there are only two things she really knows about the place. One is that a mysterious accident ended her own father’s chances as a Journey. The other? There are no women allowed inside Saint Sebastian’s.

Disguising herself as a boy to infiltrate the guild means embarking on a dangerous deception. But it may be Marieke’s only chance to find out the truth about her father’s past, and when the charming Journeyman Tristan takes her under his wing as his squire, she’s got to stay – at least long enough to help him find a way to beat his brutal arch-rival and win the competitions. Soon she’s set herself a virtually impossible task: to see Tristan become the next Guardsman, without ever letting him find out she’s a girl – a girl, who loves him.