Jennifer Sparks | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Jennifer Sparks

Member Since: 04/2024


Jennifer Sparks (B.Ed., M.S., PGD) is a bestselling author, speaker and life strategist. She helps people transform their lives from the head down and heart out. Regardless of the circumstances, Jennifer believes sustainable change is possible, and that magic happens when we accept full responsibility for our lives. She is fascinated by human behaviour and captivated by the power of the human mind. You can find her online at jennifersparks.ca. Connect: Facebook: @jennifersparks.ca Instagram: @jennifersparks.inspirethefire www.jennifersparks.ca Create YOUR AMAZING LIFE!

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I am a long-time single mom to two kids, now grown. I love the outdoors and believe that nature is my church! Being in the forest or on the trails can fix almost anything! I co-parent two dogs and two cats with my daughter. I have been a teacher for over 25 years and look forward to retiring in the next few years. In 2003 I began running and have completed many marathons and two Ironman Triathlons (now retired from that) but still trail run for pleasure and stress management.

When and why did you start writing books?

I started writing books in 2013 when my daughter, who had been diagnosed with Epilepsy, needed constant supervision. Our lives were upended, and I began to dig into personal development to give us the best foundation for the challenges we faced. This led to a career as a Life Strategist and Personal Trainer and I began to help others navigate through challenge times. Writing a book had always been a dream of mine, and WTF to OMG was an incredibly successful book as it tapped into the culture of overwhelm.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

My life came full circle. I had never sunk into writing yet it has always been a passion of mine.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Life. Each phase of life we go through has so many gifts, even the ones that hurt. My latest focus is on grief since losing my mother in 2021 suddenly. When this happens, your entire life changes, and I find we do not speak enough about how deep and thick grief - normal grief - can be.

Do you have any new books in the works?

There is always a new book of some kind in the works.