Constance Ruth Clark | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Constance Ruth Clark

Member Since: 09/2021


Tucked away in a cozy corner of Maine, Connie spends her days writing, talking to her plants, strumming her guitar, balancing her kids' schoolwork, now that they're home all the time, and generally trying to keep up with wherever life takes her.Happily married to the romantic hero of her dreams, Connie is passionate about bringing a great story to those who enjoy escaping into a book and love a happy ending.She is a member of Romance Writers of Maine and the Central Maine Country Music Association.Connect with Connie online:Sign up for her Newsletter so you never miss out when she releases new books or has a special giveaway at her Website:www.blog.constanceruthclark.comOr on Facebook:@constanceruthclarkAlso on Instagram:connieclark2011and Twitter:@connieclark2011

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

If I'm not talking your ear off telling stories, I'm whipping up culinary delights in the kitchen or getting my hands dirty in my garden. Unless its winter. Then I'm catching up on my reading, practicing my singing or cheering on my husband playing in his rock cover band.

When and why did you start writing books?

I’ve always had an enormous imagination and loved telling stories, even before I could write. In middle school I discovered I had a knack for telling stories and used to entertain my friends at slumber parties with elaborate fantasies about them and their crushes. I fell in love with romance when I discovered that Good Housekeeping magazine had abbreviated books they printed in the magazine and I used to read as many as I could get my hands on. I fell in love with reading romance novels and started writing notebooks full of fantastic stories, usually involving my friends and a famous celebrity. Later the stories turned into more realistic tales of love.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Oh gosh. Well, in 1995 I was working as a costumed living history interpreter and started writing a book about a man who goes back to the past. It took fifteen years before I finished it. I knew I wanted to publish, but it always just seemed like a fantasy. I had no idea how to make it happen. A friend suggested Romance Writers of America, so I joined and started attending meetings and conferences. That’s where I discovered pitching my book to editors and agents. I pitched to five total I think before I was picked up by Lyrical Press. At the time it was a new publisher who dealt exclusively in eBooks, which was almost a novelty. They were later purchased by Kensington House to expand their ePublishing department and my books were included with the merger. That’s when I got to see my book in print for the first time! I published two books through them.Just before Covid hit, I decided that I’d like to try writing/publishing full time. At first I thought I’d just send my books to my publisher. Then I realized that the royalties were significantly lower that way, and I wasn’t well known enough to request an advance. So I decided to self publish and reclaimed my rights on the books that were out there. I’ve since published two new books in the Wild Romance series, with another due to release this summer. I’ve also re-released my first book by a new name and reworking the second. I have plans for over twenty books, some of which will be fantasy and sci-fi as well as expanding the two series I currently have. It’s exciting!

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

My favorite book and character is Man Out of Time (Started as Past Destinies). I started writing this book in the mid nineties, when I was working at a living history museum. That's where you dress up like someone living in the 1800's and 'live in' the past. That’s kind of a funny story because when I first started writing that book, back in 1995, my favorite show on TV was Lois & Clark. Doug Coleman is based on Dean Cain. I even made their initials match!

Who is your favourite author and book?

The author who inspires me the most is Jude Deveraux. I've loved her writing style and the way she connects her books from the first time I found her books. Honestly, if she wrote it, chances are good I own it! Best book? Knight in Shining Armor. Next? Remembrance or The Summer House.

What book are you reading right now?

I just started a series by Jayne Ann Krentz that I've fallen in love with. I'm planning a suspense series, so enjoying the books as a reader.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Everywhere! I can't possibly narrow that down. It comes from things in everyday life.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Singing, reading, watching crime drama and photography.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Oh of course! I'm planning several series, both contemporary and historical as well as another suspense. I just wish I wrote faster!