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Jim Melvin
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Best Book Awards double finalist ("Do You Believe in Magic?") Winner of 14 international awards ("Dark Circles" trilogy) Book 1 is Recommended by Kirkus Reviews: “A delightful beginning to a promising series that’s sure to appeal to teen readers who feel like outsiders.” ~~ Jim grew up on the shores of western Florida, and he spent much of his childhood swimming in shark-infested waters long before the movie "Jaws" put a scare into everyone. At the time, he probably was too skinny to attract a bull shark's attention. About ten other boys Jim's age lived on his same street, and they hung out morning, noon and night playing the usual sports that young boys love — football, baseball, "kill the carrier," etc. — but as a group they also played fantastical games that contained magic, monsters and superheroes. It was in this setting that Jim's imagination was born and nurtured. Jim's latest work is book 1 of a teen fantasy adventure trilogy titled "Dark Circles," which is about a group of kids who are transported to a magical land where it can be deadly to sleep. Book 1 titled "Do You Believe in Magic?" is now available on Amazon and officially launched on May 25, 2023. Book 2 titled "Do You Believe in Monsters?" debuted on Oct. 30, 2023. Book 3 titled "Do You Believe in Miracles?" debuted April 21, 2024. The "Dark Circles" series is appropriate for ages 13 and older. This is a great coming-of-age series for fans of J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and C.S. Lewis. Jim is the author of "The Death Wizard Chronicles," an action-packed, six-book epic fantasy for mature readers that was published by Bell Bridge Books. Book 1 is titled "Forged in Death." It is followed by "Chained by Fear," "Shadowed by Demons," "Torn by War," "Blinded by Power" and "Healed by Hope." Jim also has three short stories related to the series: "Torg's First Death," "The Black Fortress," and "Rise of the Sun God." "The Death Wizard Chronicles" is appropriate for ages 18 and older. Jim is also the lead writer and editor for the nonfiction book "Eclipse Over Clemson: The day Tigertown will never forget," which chronicled the Aug. 21, 2017, total solar eclipse that passed over Clemson University. The on-campus event which Jim coordinated was a once-in-a-lifetime experience attended by more than 50,000 people. Jim lives in a valley surrounded by mountains in the Southern Appalachians. He was previously an award-winning journalist at several large newspapers and a communications director at Clemson.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I am recently retired from a long career in journalism followed by being a communications director for a major university. I'm an outdoorsman in love with nature. If I don't get outside for a few hours each day, I go kind of bonkers. I used to be an avid golfer but don't play much anymore. Sigh. I enjoy gardening and am also an excellent cook, though not quite chef-level. I read a lot and meditate a lot. I hate to admit that I'm a political junkie and spend way too much time paying attention to politics, much to my chagrin.

When and why did you start writing books?

I wrote my first novel at age 20. It was a horror story set in the orange fields of Central Florida. It received some interest but eventually failed to find a publisher. But I wasn't deterred. It's not the first but rather the second or third novel that hits it big, right? Then I took a job as a journalist at a major newspaper and 25 years later, I still hadn't produced a second novel. In my late 40s, I returned to fiction and wrote a six-book epic fantasy for mature audiences titled The Death Wizard Chronicles. Since then I have written seven other novels, including the teen fantasy adventure series Dark Circles.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

In high school, I became enthralled with the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien and Stephen King, among others, and became determined to become a bestselling novelist. I have since achieved the novelist part. But the bestselling part has eluded me to this point. As a journalist and also as a communications director for a major university, I have written more than fifty magazine-length articles and several thousand shorter ones.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

My favorite book is book 3 of my teen fantasy adventure series Dark Circles. It is titled Do You Believe in Miracles?. My favorite character is the dragon Bhayatupa who is heavily featured in The Death Wizard Chronicles six-book epic fantasy series for mature audiences.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

All books are difficult to write, but I would say that Do You Believe in Miracles? was the most difficult for me. I wrote, revised, and published three books in 14 months, with Miracles being the last of the three, and I was pretty worn out by the end.

Who is your favourite author and book?

There are so many of both, but if pinned to the wall, I would say that Stephen King is my favorite author and that Rabbit, Run by John Updike is my favorite book. King is vastly underrated, IMO. And Rabbit, Run simply oozes with narrative genius. It is a 100,000-word poem.

What book are you reading right now?

Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. He is a fabulous writer who has an incredible imagination.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

I grew up on the shores of western Florida, and I spent much of my childhood swimming in shark-infested waters long before the movie "Jaws" put a scare into everyone. At the time, I probably was too skinny to attract a bull shark's attention. About ten other boys my age lived on his same street, and we hung out morning, noon and night playing the usual sports that young boys love — football, baseball, "kill the carrier," etc. — but as a group we also played fantastical games that contained magic, monsters and superheroes. It was in this setting that my imagination was born and nurtured.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I live in the mountains and am an outdoorsman who enjoys hiking and kayaking. I also enjoy gardening. And of course, I love to read. I typically spend the last two hours of my day in bed reading before I fall asleep. Wine is my vice. And being a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers is my guilty pleasure.

Do you have any new books in the works?

I'm currently working on a dragon fantasy called Bhayatupa the Great.