JOEY GU | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Member Since: 12/2022


“Joey ‘JW’ Gu has been leisurely writing and shooting photography since middle school and has published works with SPIN, The New York Times, as well as Switzerland’s largest English business magazine and a fashion publication based in Amsterdam. Simona Mok has a background in banking and finance and has built a career in private equity and investment, along with an analytical portfolio of consumer trend insights and brand performances.

“Currently, they are both business proprietors and consultan…”—you know what, trying to define yourself IS like trying to bite your own teeth, perhaps with braces and a salty fist in your mouth.

What we are is simply THIS: flawed, struggling, and sometimes barely holding on. We have our rough days just like everyone else. But we’re learning and working hard and have our shiny ones too! And it’s these bright days that continue to get us here, and the not-so-bright ones that help us treasure it.

One could also say we’re an unfinished manuscript, still drafting AS we’re telling our story.

“When they’re not creating memories with their two cosmic sons and a female mustached dog named Chopper, Joey and Simona are co-founding partners running The Pacer Company, a consulting and training company based outside of the US. Eventually, they will once again call Southern California their home, where they plan to continue exploring and developing further opportunities for business, writing, and their family.” There, how’s that? Not too bad, we’d say—simple and straight, and the truth.