K. L. Barstow | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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K. L. Barstow

Member Since: 10/2024


For as long as I can remember, reading has been my favorite hobby. I always carried a book with me wherever I went. As I went through school, I often dreamed of being an author, writing my own stories, and seeing my name on the spines of books I saw in the library and bookstores. But, I felt I lacked the experience of being a brilliant author, so I put my dream aside, went to college, and started a career. But I never forgot my dream. I’d wake up early and write, then write in the evenings and on the weekends. I finally wrote and published my first book in my favorite genre. While I got a few sales, the buyers were mostly family and friends, then silence. I struggled to write the second book, published it, and saw my dream die as book sales trickled in and dried up. As my hopes of becoming a successful author crashed and burned, so did my career. The sale of our company led to a round of layoffs. After twenty-some years as a software development manager, I was suddenly unemployed. I was lucky enough to have a nice severance package, but I knew I’d have a difficult time finding another job. I was looking at fifty and the thought of going to work at another stressful and unfulfilling job had me reluctant to search. So instead, I turned to email marketing and found a small amount of success, but I never forgot my dream. Determined to achieve my goal of being a published author, I did some research. I knew romance was a popular genre. I’d never read romance novels, preferring mysteries, but I plunged in and read books from several sub-genres before discovering romantic suspense. Not only did the stories grab me and pull me into their world, but especially the books highlighting motorcycle clubs. The ideas started flowing. I had found my inspiration! Which was ironic because of my past. In high school, someone I cared about slammed into a telephone pole while riding a motorcycle. He died on my birthday. From that point on, I hated motorcycles. I swore I would never date someone who rode one, or let my future kids ride them. I was very much anti-motorcycle, with no interest in changing my mind, ever. But reading books set within MC clubs changed everything. Seeing these men living their lives by their rules captivated me. I found in them kindred spirits. Men and women who want more out of life. Those who found freedom on a motorcycle and with the family they built. Their lifestyle piqued my interest and suddenly I had an entire club of members clamoring to be heard.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

Like most authors, I love to read. I also like playing video games and watching baseball.

When and why did you start writing books?

Being a writer was always a dream. While working as a software development manager, I took courses on writing and tried writing a few novels.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I took a severance package and knew that I never wanted to work for someone else again. I always wanted to be a writer, so that's what I focused on doing. Figured I would give it my all and if it didn't work, I'd have at least tried.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Usually the book I'm writing is my favorite, as well as the characters. However, if I had to pick from my published novels then Puma would be my favorite character and Viper's Vendetta would be my favorite book.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Chaos's Crime. It's the second book in the series and the hardest one for me to complete. I wrote the first draft and then started over because I didn't like how it turned out. It was the one where I doubted myself the most. However, it was one that I learned the most from. The most important thing I learned was to listen to my inner thoughts while writing. I ignored all the signs that told me I wasn't writing the book I wanted to write. I kept pushing instead of taking a step back and figuring out why I was struggling.

Who is your favourite author and book?

The Lions of Senet Series by Jennifer Fallon.

What book are you reading right now?

Stand Off by Jamie Begley

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

The characters tell their story. I go into each book with an idea that inevitably changes as I plot out the story. In each case, as I get to know the characters better, the story changes.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I play video games.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Several. I'm currently working on Lake's Legacy, which is the third book in the New Orleans Chapter of the Demon Dawgs.

Take a Bite of The Demon Dawgs MC

Take a Bite of The Demon Dawgs MC

Get Dirty With The Dawgs! These aren’t your typical heroes. This MC Romance Series has hot alpha males with smart and sassy females. These men protect the innocent and aren't afraid to inflict biker justice. These fast-paced novels have plenty of action inside and outside the bedroom. Get ready to be seduced by these seductive outlaws!