Karen Dittman | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Karen Dittman

Member Since: 11/2024


Karen A. Dittman and Michael G. Dittman live in Colorado's beautiful Northern Front Range. They have two adult children, an elementary-aged child and 2 grandchildren.

Karen (MABS, Dallas Theological Seminary; BA, Speech Communication, Towson University) is a speaker, fitness instructor, and Wellness Coach. She enjoys baking, hiking and sitting outside on warm summer days while the youngest family members run and play in the yard.

Michael (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) is an engineer who loves studying and teaching God’s word. He enjoys cycling, hiking and helping teach at our small church.

Karen is the founder of 1Fit Wellness, a coaching business based on Biblical values.

Married for more than 36 years, Karen and Michael have learned to walk with God through struggles including infertility, job/ministry loss, adoption, chronic illness, depression, financial struggles, death of a parent and supporting a family member in recovery from addiction. Their life has also been filled with joys such as the unexpected birth of a child, God's provision in times of need, healing of chronic health issues and fruitful ministry.

As we walk our own journey to grow in gratitude and surrender to God, we hope to encourage you in yours.