
Kyndall Bennett

Member Since: 12/2022


Kyndall Bennett is the founder of Kyrabe Stories. Throughout the years of trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, she finally realized that her passion was professional development and helping others discover and achieve their career goals. Through this, Kyndall has collaborated with brands such as Wall Street Journal, LinkedIn Learning, CBNATION, and others. She loves seeing people accomplish new achievements in their lives, so her goal is to provide quick resources to assist others in their current journey. Kyndall currently works in the eLearning industry, helping people discover affordable educational opportunities for upward career mobility.

📖 Read Kyndall's feature with the Wall Street Journal about freelancing


💻 Watch Kyndall's collaboration with LinkedIn Learning about learning new skills on their platform


🎧 Listen to Kyndall's podcast feature with CBNATION about guidance on learning opportunities
