Laura M. Baird | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Laura M. Baird

Member Since: 10/2020


A published romance author since 2017, I'm also a wife, mother, grandmother, retired dental hygienist of twenty-four years, and a veteran of the US Army. I've been honored and thrilled to have become an award winning and best selling author, giving readers passionate romance with humor, suspense, and always a feel-good ending. When not writing or reading, I'm enjoying time with family in the Pacific Northwest, watching College Football, and planning the next adventure with hubby.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

Besides a published author, I'm a wife to my own alpha male, having celebrated thirty-four years of marriage in December 2024. We met while serving in the US Army. I went on to become a dental hygienist and recently retired after a twenty-four year career. My writing began early in life, but it was in 2016 after attending my first writer's conference that I decided to get serious about writing and publishing. Since 2017, I've made amazing connections in the writing community, have been honored to won awards, and became an Amazon best selling author. When not reading or writing, hubby and I enjoy time with our three grand children, taking road trips, and one day plan to travel the US in an RV. I occasionally play the lottery, telling hubby when we win the big one, after our family is taken care of, we're buying land and funding a dog sanctuary!

When and why did you start writing books?

I began writing in the early 90s. My love of the romance genre sparked by reading Nora Roberts, and I wanted to be able to craft a story that would invoke such amazing feelings. Love and hope; triumph after hardship. I knew so little about the craft and the business, but even while attending college and starting my hygiene career, I continued to write and save my stories. When self-publishing and Indie publishers became more prevalent, I refined my stories and began submitting; thrilled when acceptances began!

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Dental hygiene is a physically demanding career, and I knew I needed to plan for 'the after'. Writing has always been such a joy and knew I had to pursue. It has its challenges: both good and not-so-good, but I love it and do not plan to stop. The idea that I can create a story that readers will sink into, will relate to, is exciting and fulfilling.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

This is a difficult question to answer, because I love all that I've written. But, if I have to choose, a favorite to write was Vintage: A Vampire Romance. It was initially part of a shared world involving vampires and a reincarnation theme. Shifting from the past into the present; weaving that enduring love into the characters was thrilling. And what makes me love it more is readers' praise for the story.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Recently, I completed a book for another shared world I was invited into that involves a dark romance element. And while I haven't read any in that sub-genre, I wanted that challenge. I wanted to see how I could expand myself and grow as a writer. I didn't go too dark (like some books I've read about) but I'm proud of what I accomplished, and I hope readers will love it.

Who is your favourite author and book?

Top of my list began with Nora Roberts, and she has too many wonderful books to pick one favorite. Her diversity in stories, plots, themes, and characters are a wonder.

What book are you reading right now?

I don't jump on what's popular at the time, and with my own writing, it can be a challenge to take time to simply read and enjoy. That being said, a couple of reader friends, two sisters, presented with me a wonderful gift package, and in it was one of their favorite books. "Things We Never Got Over" by Lucy Score. I devoured it! Then book 2. And now I'm starting book 3, the final one in the series.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere. It can be a situation experienced in the past. A variation of a news clip. A writing prompt. An anthology call to write a particularly themed story for a collection. Ideas are limitless.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

What's that? Seriously though, for me, spare time is simply decompressing from all I do, and I read.

Do you have any new books in the works?

I always have something in the works. I completed two stories that will release later this year, and I'm currently working on a wedding-themed romance that will be included in a collection, releasing June 2025. I'm also loosely planning ideas for two holiday romances for later this year.

Military Romance Collection: Volume 1

Military Romance Collection: Volume 1

Military romance novellas with gripping emotions and flirty fun. Immerse yourself in the lives of active-duty and veteran personnel as they navigate life, finding love with their perfect partner. Passion and Duty: Will Antonio and Leesa have their time together or will duty override passion? Desire and Sacrifice: Mick and Raquela won't have to sacrifice their true selves to fulfill their desires. Love and Honor: Can Anton convince himself and Jessica there is no guilt when you love with honor? ~ I had the privilege of having Love and Honor featured in a limited release anthology in 2020 with 1001 Dark Nights. * Passion and Duty ends with a cliffhanger, but know there is more to their story. Passion and Duty Forever was featured in the limited-release charity anthology, Heroes, Holidays, and Hope, Vol 1, and will be released in a future volume of my military romance series.