
Linda K. Fitzgerald

Member Since: 05/2024


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Linda K. Fitzgerald, born and raised just outside Memphis in the scenic state of Tennessee, places her faith and family at the fore- front of her life. As she raised her three children, Linda simulta- neously served as a part-time teacher's aide for special needs children, demonstrating her commitment to nurturing and education. With her children now grown, she has embarked on fulfilling a long-held ambition by pursuing a qualification in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Actively involved in her church, Linda finds both comfort and joy in serving as an occasional lay preacher, a role that allows her to share her faith and insights. Her dedication to combining her faith, life experiences, and academic pursuits is evident in her work, aiming to assist and inspire others. This endeavor has come together in the publication of her first book, a testament to her journey and aspirations.