Lisa A. Moore | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

Lisa A. Moore

Member Since: 09/2024


Lisa A. Moore spins contemporary fantasy and psychological thrillers that’ll leave you questioning reality—and maybe your own sanity. With a sassy Druid in training who’s mastered sarcasm, a graffiti artist whose imagination runs as wild as the streets, a no-nonsense ghost hunter who’s fed up with haunted nonsense, and a guy stranded on a remote island with no memory (awkward), her characters are as unforgettable as her plot twists. When she’s not busy messing with your head, Lisa can be found hanging with her high-energy, super-sweet dog, Violette, swooning over her funny and very romantic pilot husband, John, or getting lost in her watercolor creations. Occasionally, she blogs about leveling up your mindset, but mostly, she’s crafting stories where nothing is ever as it seems. Dive in—but don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I'm Lisa A. Moore, writer of magical worlds, selkie secrets, and characters who occasionally have more attitude than I do. When I’m not working on my next novel, I’m either painting watercolors, diving into graphic design projects, or tagging along with my pilot husband on his adventures around the world. From exploring hidden corners of new cities to finding the best coffee on the planet, I’m always collecting inspiration. And, of course, I have my dog Violette to keep me grounded—literally, because she’s not a fan of flying.

When and why did you start writing books?

I started writing books because, quite frankly, my imagination wouldn’t shut up. After years of collecting stories in my head—often while tagging along with my husband on his pilot trips—I realized it was time to get them out into the world. Writing became my creative outlet, where I could blend my love for mythology, adventure, and characters who always seem to have something sarcastic to say. Plus, there are only so many ideas you can jot down on the backs of boarding passes before it’s time to turn them into something real.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

My professional writing career started with Mindset Luminaries, where I blend growth mindset with a pop culture twist. It’s where I dish out practical advice and motivational content, all while sneaking in references to movies and TV shows (because who doesn’t love learning life lessons from The Lion King?). But writing books? That’s where I get to fully embrace my creative side. Novels give me the freedom to let loose, dive into magical worlds, and create characters with sarcasm sharper than a selkie’s bite. It’s the best of both worlds—serious with a pop culture spin for the blog, and wildly imaginative for my novels.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Oh, picking favorites? That’s tough, but I’d have to say Morwenna from Whispers of the Selkie is my favorite character. She’s got this razor-sharp sarcasm that makes writing her dialogue an absolute blast. She’s not afraid to roll her eyes at the chaos around her, even when it involves selkie secrets and cursed ancestors. As for favorite novel? Right now, it’s Whispers Beyond the Fog—a psychological thriller I’m working on. It’s about a ghost hunter who’s completely over all the supernatural nonsense, which makes for some hilariously cynical moments. Plus, it’s got plenty of twists to mess with your mind.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

I’d have to say Shadowed Illunimations (currently in progress) has stretched me the most as a writer. The main character is a graffiti artist who tags all over the city, and let’s just say, my knowledge of street art was... limited. I’ve had to dive deep into the world of spray paint, murals, and the culture behind it, which has been both fascinating and a bit intimidating. Turns out, there’s a lot more to graffiti than just finding a wall and going wild with colors!

Who is your favourite author and book?

It’s a tie! On one hand, I’m a huge fan of Dan Brown and his Camel Club series (thriller/suspense). The way he weaves intricate plots and keeps you on the edge of your seat is pure genius. On the other hand, there’s Karen Moning’s Fever series (urban fantasy/paranormal romance). It’s full of magic, danger, and a bit of romance—basically, everything I love wrapped up in one addictive series. So, I guess you could say I’m torn between conspiracy thrillers and magical mayhem.

What book are you reading right now?

I never stick to just one book at a time—I like to keep things interesting! There’s always a self-help book, a mystery/thriller, and at least one or two others in the mix. Right now, my couch-side book pile looks like this: Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder (Fantasy): The third book in a gripping series full of magic, dangerous plots, and a heroine who’s not afraid to take on the world—or a few villains. Long Road to Mercy by David Baldacci (Mystery/Thriller): A fast-paced thriller featuring FBI agent Atlee Pine as she takes on an investigation that’s as twisty as it is dangerous. Wizards of the Mound by Ray Clifford Martinez II (Fantasy): An epic journey involving ancient magic and unexpected heroes that pulls you right into its richly imagined world. The Wizard of Ads (Business/Marketing): It’s packed with clever insights and practical tips on how to make marketing magic happen in today’s world. Storm Kissed by Jessica Andersen (Paranormal Romance): Think dangerous warriors, powerful storms, and an irresistible romance—all wrapped up in a fight to save the world. I rotate between these depending on my mood—whether I’m in the mood for some magical adventure, a pulse-pounding mystery, or a little marketing inspiration.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Right now, I’d say my inspiration comes from three main sources. First, there’s my husband—he’s incredibly creative, clever, and funny, and our chats often spark new ideas (and plenty of laughs). Second, writing exercises often turn into the seeds for a great novel idea. Sometimes, what starts as a warm-up ends up as the foundation for an entire story. And third, I swear by The Story Engine system (pure genius, by the way). It’s an idea-generating tool that helps me brainstorm plot points, characters, and conflicts when I need a little creative boost.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

In my spare time, you’ll likely find me either lost in a watercolor landscape (literally—there’s paint everywhere), hiking through the woods pretending I’m in some magical forest, or expanding my digital art skills with Adobe’s entire suite of products. From Photoshop to Premiere Pro, I’m on a mission to master them all! I’m also always learning something new about marketing—it’s like a never-ending puzzle. And of course, when I’m not glued to my creative projects, I’m off traveling with my husband, exploring new places and collecting inspiration for my next story.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Absolutely! I’m currently working on three exciting projects. Whispers Beyond the Fog is a psychological thriller about a ghost hunter unraveling the terrifying secrets of a remote lighthouse. The Ashes of Memory follows a cartographer lost in an enchanted forest where his past and reality blur. And Shadowed Illuminations dives into the world of a graffiti artist whose art comes alive with dangerous consequences.