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Mara D. Blake
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Member Since: 12/2024


Mara D. Blake is best known for her erotic interracial fiction novels. Born and raised in New York, she first found her love of writing, creating playful screenplays for her friends, and eventually went into developing full stories online. Just at fifteen, she’d gained over a thousand followers, pushing to pursue her career in creative writing and literature. From New York to Vermont and back to New York, Mara obtained her bachelor’s degree in English, literature, and writing. Now, as an established self-publisher, Mara D. Blake has published over nine novels and continues to strive to write books about women of color receiving unconditional and deserving love. When she’s not writing, she enjoys much-needed self-care days, listening to music, spending time with her very chatty tortoiseshell cat, watching horror movies, and trying new recipes to cook.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I consider myself a homebody. Although I love going out and shopping for makeup, candles, and body care, I really love being home with my partner and my sassy tortoiseshell cat. One of my favorite things is finding new recipes and cooking them. As a young girl, I loved watching and helping my grandmother and mother cook, so being an adult now, I’m always in my kitchen creating new foods or drinks. I enjoy spending time with family, but what’s better than being in your comfort zone reading or enjoying a delicious meal?

When and why did you start writing books?

Technically, I started writing silly little scripts that my friend and I would act out around nine or ten, but I officially started writing at fifteen. When my best friend introduced me to a free reading app, we’d stay up for 24 hours or more at times and read until we couldn’t keep our eyes open. One day, I realized I could possibly write a book, so I did. The rest is history.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I’d been writing on a free app for a while, and unfortunately, some of my work got stolen. After it kept happening, I had a few people suggest that I should start a career. I felt it wasn’t fair to start charging people after letting them read my work for free for so long, but my readers continuously told me that I shouldn’t be writing for free and they would pay to read my books. I’ve always wanted to be an author but never believed in myself because I thought I wasn’t smart or good enough. I quickly realized that it doesn’t matter who doesn’t like your writing style or has a problem with how you operate your career—there will always be someone who values, respects you, and genuinely enjoys the content you share. I started my writing career not because I wanted to charge people but because I had to realize the time, effort, and worth I put into my books.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

It’s almost as if this question asks who my favorite child is. On a serious note, I love all my books because they all hold a piece of me. One secret I always tell my readers is that each book has a scene or topic that is personal to my life. With that being said, one of my favorite books is Daddy’s Secret because I love how unhinged and unapologetic Vera is. It’s a challenging book because of the events in it, but I adore the growth my character has. I also appreciate how real I made the book. Without spoilers, it tackles real-life events and what happens when someone has money and power. Also, I have to give a quick mention to Ayla in Bound to The Sinner. She embodies a strong woman who knows what she wants and strives for success. I love a successful woman!

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Dominated by Danger was the most fun to write, but it was probably the hardest after taking it off the free website and revamping it for publishing. Many terms and details had to be researched because I’m neither in that lifestyle nor have ever been in it, but it was pretty fun. It made me step out of my comfort zone as far as getting vicious with what my characters do and say. It’s the first book I’ve written with action, and it’s my biggest book. There were a lot of tears in the process, but I was able to learn a lot about self-publishing during my journey. Not only was writing it a wild ride but making it come alive by shooting my own cover and working with an editor and graphic designer was pretty overwhelming but rewarding.

Who is your favourite author and book?

The Quickie by James Patterson! My sister had a bookshelf of his books, and I was always so infatuated but intimidated because a lot of them were huge books. She recommended The Quickie when I was in high school, and I fell in love with it. I might have read it in a few hours because I was so hooked. I love mystery books!

What book are you reading right now?

Currently, I’m reading a few books, but I have been in love with Estelle H’s series! This author does a great job of keeping the drama to a minimum and focusing on the happiness of her characters’ relationships. I think this author’s books are a great escape from the craziness of everyday life. Who doesn’t want to read a story full of love when the world is so crazy?

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Do you want the truth? Anywhere and everywhere. I could be in the shower, listening to music, seeing the color of a car, or noticing someone wearing a bright fuzzy hat, and I would come up with a whole plot for a story. It’s pretty weird and slightly embarrassing, but my mind is able to make up crazy stories just by the simplest thing. It’s a blessing and a curse because even though I can develop a story quickly, I’m also thinking about a hundred different books in my head. The real challenge is choosing which path I want to go down.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I love taking care of myself. After a day of writing or being around too many people, I will go home, turn on the shower, take a nice shower, light a delicious-smelling sugary candle, and do some self-care. I used to love going to the salon and getting some maintenance done, but over the years, I have found doing my nails, hair, and lashes really calming. Each year, I try to tackle a new area of beauty maintenance.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Yes! I’m currently working on The Luxe Affairs Series. There are three books: Book One: Glitz and Gimmicks Book Two: Our Little Secret Book Three: Truth or Dare Each book is about a new couple, but they intertwine because the three MMCs are best friends. I don’t have an exact date, but the first book will definitely be released in 2025. Follow my social media for updates!