Michael Butler | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

Michael Butler

Member Since: 03/2022


Michael Butler is an author, inventor, and technology expert born and raised in Brooklyn.

In today's world, where information and communication are everything, Michael recognized a giant flaw in the communication system – it fails to deliver the correct information to the right people at the right time.

Driven by his passion for technology and helping other people, Michael designed a revolutionary rapid messaging system – Blizzy Code, a secondary communication system with the ability to provide life-saving information without interruption.

His books are an ingenious mixture of intricately designed fiction stories and real-life technology and philosophy behind Blizzy Code.

Through his books, Michael aims to bring the concept of the Blizzy Code to the masses, especially to the younger population – to explain what this new technology does and how it can be utilized. I also trademarked Followers are the new Currency™