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Missy Terrell
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Member Since: 11/2023


Missy Terrell lives with a fluffy rescue cat in a duplex, and has dreamed of bringing stories to life. She writes romantic suspense of any variety because she loves staying on point as much as she loves keeping people on their toes. If you enjoy her books and want to know about future stories, please follow Missy. P.S. Let Missy know how much you enjoy her books. Each review feels like someone is clapping because they do believe in fairies.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

Hi! I'm Missy Terrell. I live in a duplex with a fluffy cat named Dasher who enjoys helping me type. When I am not battling with my cat for the keyboard, I enjoy dancing and aerial, which includes pole dance and lyra. My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw :).

When and why did you start writing books?

The first sentences I uttered as a child was a story and even my birth was a whole story, so it was only a matter of time before I put my imagination to work.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I did it once about 10 years before Dirty Whispers was released, and I published a Dystopian Romance that was a cross between The Hunger Games and Gone With the Wind. Unfortunately, a troll who never bought or read the book rated it terribly and left a nasty review and told me not to quit my day job. So I quit writing and went to law school and began to practice law. But it felt like my soul was dying. A story brought it back to life, so this time, I decided to pick it up again and I promised I would keep going. Then the reviews for the story came in so overwhelmingly positive and I knew I was on to something.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Francois and Désirée are my favorite characters, mainly because I am an X-men fan and I wanted my own Remy Lebeau as a kid and I identified with Roque. I wanted the Black girl equivalent of everyone's favorite southern belle and a romance with the over the top bad boy Cajun, so it was a dream come true to be able to create that.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

At the moment, it's the book I'm writing for another future series with the Furies as MatchMakers. I'm basing my Furies on three aunts in my family who were notoriously funny troublemakers and using some Voodoo to connect some soul mates.

Who is your favourite author and book?

I have so many. I loved the Harry Potter Series. I'm a huge Norah Roberts and Toni Morrison fan, and I adore Karen Marie Moning's The Immortal Highlander. Lloyd Alexander's books owned my childhood

What book are you reading right now?

I'm reading Mike Omer's Please Tell Me.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Anywhere, everywhere. My life, a conversation. From eavesdropping. Dreams. Conversations and negotiations with my cat.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I love to cook and bake and go to ballets and plays.

Do you have any new books in the works?

I do. I'm preparing to publish a holiday romantic mystery starring my favorite characters and teasing the potential of their future romance. I'm writing the first story in my MatchMaker series, which will be published with some author friends in a few months.

Dirty Dealings

Dirty Dealings

Dele – Do no evil I’ve made her my neighbor; I’ve made her my muse; and I will make her mine… I dominate these dirty bayou streets. Soon, I will make a big splash in the music industry. Kendis is the aloof bestie of my best friend’s little sister. Everyone dances to my whim. Alive or dead. Except Kendis. Like tonight. I gave her the impression I am a gentleman, gentle I am not. My taboo dealings may haunt us, but Kendis is mine to protect. Sweet Kendis suspects my dodginess. If she could leave me, she would. Still, everyday, I want to make music with her body the way I do on my saxophone. I just promised Kendis a forever I may be unable to deliver. So tonight, I slink through shadowy streets. I detour down dark crossroads before searching out gifts to convince Kendis to stay. I am taking my life into my hands, returning to my roots, but I may be in over my head bargaining with a powerful voodoo priestess. But, I’m running out of time… Tomorrow, can I give Kendis a forever she deserves?