Mo Barrett | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

Mo Barrett

Member Since: 10/2021


Mo Barrett launched her distinguished career as a successful failure at the Air Force Academy, persevering after becoming the first member of her pilot training class to receive a grade of “Unsatisfactory.” Mo has dealt with the alliterative shame, stigma, struggle and success of being a life-long non-conformist and lesbian in the military’s structured environment. She retired as a Colonel after a 25-year aAir fForce career, leveraging hard work and an ability to view the world through lenses of humor, optimism and perspective. She has survived and thrived as a multi-minority and now connects with audiences of all ages and walks of life as a DC tour guide, podcast co-host and anecdotist. Mo entertains audiences with her unique presentation style and contagious energy as she charts a course for people who want to laugh, learn and think! You can learn more at mobarrett.com.