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Monica Chase
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Member Since: 07/2024


Author Monica Chase writes high-stakes speculative fiction where cutting-edge science collides with intense suspense. Her debut, Broken Code: The Genesis of Rebellion, kicks off The Helix Chronicles series, tackling the ethical challenges of technological breakthroughs. A Gen-X latchkey kid with a healthy skepticism of authority, Monica infuses her narratives with sharp wit and complex moral dilemmas. Her stories examine the intersections of scientific innovation, familial bonds, and personal sacrifice, probing our evolving identity in an increasingly tech-driven world. After years in Corporate America, Monica now devotes herself full-time to crafting stories that unravel the complexities of human nature. Her richly atmospheric prose envelops readers in a world grappling with the profound consequences of technological advancement. When not writing, Monica binge-watches thought-provoking TV, quietly creates characters from random passersby, and follows a schedule dictated by her headstrong dog, usually while listening to classic 80's music.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I was that insatiable "why" kid, always driving my mother and teachers a bit up the wall with relentless questions. They often didn't have the answers, which, frankly, just made me more determined to figure things out myself. As a Gen Xer, I found freedom in the great outdoors—though not in the way you might think. Instead of just playing outside, I was building elaborate forts with my brother and the other kids and imagining vast new worlds, with my trusty bicycle often taking me way farther from home than was probably advisable. (Yes, Stranger Things tugged at some heartstrings.) Books were my secret portals. They whisked me away to far-off adventures with characters who felt like friends I hadn’t met yet. Nancy Drew was great, but she just didn’t cut it after a while. I started raiding the "adult" shelves for something a bit meatier, a bit more thrilling. These days, when I’m not lost in crafting my own stories or trying to hit my yearly target of devouring 100 books, you might catch me binge-watching the latest series that everyone’s talking about or maybe rearranging someone’s living room—much to their delight (or dismay!). And then there’s my headstrong dog, who ensures I don’t spend too much time in my fictional worlds. After all, someone has to keep me grounded!

When and why did you start writing books?

I've been a natural-born debater from the get-go—my mom used to say she wouldn't be surprised if I argued before the Supreme Court one day. Growing up pre-Google, my burning questions led me to dust off the family encyclopedia set. I delighted in spouting obscure facts—like, did you know that honey never spoils? Archaeologists have found honey pots in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible! It was my little way of showing off my newly discovered knowledge. I’ve always had a penchant for writing; I reveled in school writing assignments, much to my classmates' dismay. (Yes, I managed to annoy both authority figures and friends with equal gusto.) Writing has been a part of who I am for as long as I can remember, with a collection of short stories, novellas, and even a fledgling book attempt safely tucked away in what I affectionately call my “yikes” cabinet. My journey to becoming a published author wasn't solo; it took a village of professionals to whip my debut book into shape, which finally hit the shelves in July 2024. It's been a wild ride from encyclopedias to epic narratives, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Despite a fulfilling corporate career, the urge to write never left me. Early on, I found myself devising ways to weave writing into my daily tasks, much to the relief of my colleagues—who were all too happy to see me channel my energies into something creative (finally, they understood me!). Crafting business documents and developing branding strategies and marketing campaigns only scratched the surface of my creative itch. After a period of soul-searching, I made the decision to retire early and pursue writing full-time. I was determined to transform my "yikes" cabinet of early works into "yays" of published books. This meant fully dedicating myself to nurturing my passion, honing my talents, and sharpening my skills. Plus, my dog seems to enjoy sprawling across my feet in the most inconvenient ways when I sit down to write—I like to think it’s his method of ensuring I stay put and get the work done!

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Without a doubt, my favorite character has to be Harper “Brass” Brasfield, the once-celebrated Memphis attorney. Her journey through a global conspiracy in Broken Code truly tests her limits, showcasing her toughness, flaws, passion, and resilience. Brass is a tribute to every strong woman who has raised me, changed me, or cheered me on. I often describe her as my love letter to everything I find captivating about my hometown of Memphis—soulful, loving, a bit troubled, but brimming with grit and determination. Brass might be counted out sometimes, but she can always be counted on, even if it means risking everything. She embodies the enduring spirit of those who persevere against all odds, making her a character that resonates deeply not just with me but hopefully with my readers as well.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Alright, let's not bring up the “yikes” cabinet again, okay? But honestly, writing my debut, Broken Code: The Genesis of Rebellion, was a beast. It wasn’t just the pressure of it being my first book set for the big leagues of publication. It was about nailing it—getting it right from the get-go. Speculative fiction isn't just about wild ideas; it's about grounding those wild ideas in enough reality to make them feel plausible. And with genetic engineering at the heart of Broken Code, I had to balance real science with the kind of "what if" scenarios that keep you up at night. And let’s not forget about bringing my beloved Memphis into the mix—making sure the soul and struggles of my hometown rang true in the setting and the people. I was chasing the shadows of the greats, aiming to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the giants of the genre. I told myself, "Don't just write something you’re proud of—write something you’d proudly place next to the masters." Now, I guess we'll see if the world thinks I've managed that. Seriously, I'll take an honorable mention and people who love my books enough to keep reading them.

Who is your favourite author and book?

It's tough to pick a single favorite when each book brings something unique to the table! Like anyone, I find certain stories resonate more deeply on a personal level. Speaking of resonance, Justin Cronin’s The Passage really stands out for me—it's a tour de force in speculative fiction. Cronin crafts a narrative that's both grand in scale and intimate in detail, exploring profound themes of humanity and survival that just pull you in. It’s the kind of book that lingers in your thoughts long after you turn the last page. And just for the record, I keep trying to find a book in my “yikes” cabinet that can compete with it—so far, no such luck!

What book are you reading right now?

I'm currently diving into The Year of the Locust by Terry Hayes. It's the long-awaited follow-up to his hit I Am Pilgrim, and let me tell you, it was worth the wait—about ten years' worth! Hayes has this knack for crafting prose that's both accessible and sophisticated without ever coming off as pretentious. He's a true artist with words, wielding his pen like a maestro. Honestly, I'm just a tad jealous of his skill!

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

I find my inspiration everywhere I look, honestly. There's something about being able to express myself through writing that turns the ordinary world around me into a treasure trove of ideas. Take, for instance, random people I see around—like the man at the grocery store; sorry sir, you just became the villain in my next book! But really, the juiciest ideas often spark from reading the news. I'm a bit of a closet science nerd, so any piece about new technologies, medical advances, or big leaps for humanity can set my imagination off. Then I might spin it into a story where, perhaps, someone like the grocery store man is plotting world domination…

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

When I'm not under the paw of my overlord pup or dreaming up how grocery store patrons might secretly rule the world, you'll catch me plotting my next escape. I'm a bit of a genealogy buff—thanks to my grandparents—and I'm itching to trace my roots across the UK. Hand me a box of old photos, and I'm transported to another time and place. That's my kind of treasure hunt!

Do you have any new books in the works?

Yes, I'm actually deep into writing the sequel to Broken Code, titled Echoes of Control. It’s the second installment of The Helix Chronicles trilogy and, believe me, it’s turning out to be quite the journey! I've stocked up on premium dog treats to keep my canine co-author happy while I tackle the challenge of giving Harper “Brass” Brasfield a conclusion that's not just satisfying but also true to her character. And after Echoes of Control, there's a final piece to this puzzle—Soul’s Horizon. I won't spoil too much, but I’m threading little hints throughout Echoes of Control, so keep your eyes peeled! It’s going to be a ride worth discussing, I promise. Just remember, if it gets too suspenseful, blame the dog—he's the real mastermind behind the plot twists!