
Miriam Newman

Member Since: 02/2021


Author of more than 30 romance books including historical, fantasy and science fiction.  Tireless rescuer of animals in need presently living with a "motley crew" of rescued creatures on a small farm with intermittent trips to Ireland, where I nurture my muse.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

Now--finally!--entering retirement, I am a social worker who has been in public service for many years. My first and last love has been the written word. Beginning with prize-winning poetry written in my twenties, I have now penned more than 30 romance books ranging in sub-genre from historical to fantasy to science fiction, with an occasional contemporary story thrown in for good measure. I have been an inveterate worker in animal rescue, as well. Since I live on a small farm, this has enabled me to take in horses, dogs, cats, wayward chickens, one lovable but obnoxious goat and a pig that appeared one morning on the porch! They are my companions in my writing ventures.

When and why did you start writing books?

I first wrote poetry in my twenties. Myths and legends have long been my loves and much of my work followed in that spirit. After my husband's death, I flew to Ireland, where my first novel essentially wrote itself. A fantasy historical romance, The King's Daughter was Book I of The Chronicles of Alcinia, which continue to date. It sold upon its first submission to a publisher, justifying my faith in it, and remains my best seller and prize winner to date.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

This was my original intention even as far back as my teens. I had been writing "books" since childhood--a portent of things to come. A husband, five stepchildren and a career in social work kept me too busy to pursue it for many years, but the time came and the material was there. 31 books later, it is still coming.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

The King's Daughter and the character of General Sergius Magistri are and probably always will be my favorites. Readers seemed to agree.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Book II of my Eagle series, The Eagle's Lady, actually was hardest to write. Book I had been written quite some time before, but for some reason Book II stalled. Fortunately, I was happy with this Viking romance when it finally came out.

Who is your favourite author and book?

The Once and Future King by T. H. White is an old favorite from childhood and I think is responsible for my ventures into fantasy.

What book are you reading right now?

The Shadow Watch, a fantasy with impressive world building. It is by S. A. Klopfenstein, an author with whom I was unfamiliar.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Many times, they literally come to me in a dream. Doing research in ancient civilizations seems to be a trigger.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

My rescue menagerie keeps me plenty busy and travel to Ireland has been a passion in the past.

Do you have any new books in the works?

I am just finishing up Books IV and V of The Chronicles of Alcinia and Book VI is a work in progress. These are all fantasy historicals and my favorites of anything I have written.