NATALIA MARTINEZ | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Member Since: 03/2023


Hi my name is Natalia Martinez also known as Naty by my loved ones and now you.  

  I Am a Spiritual Teacher, Reiki Master, Ordained Minister, Author, Content Creator and Podcaster. However before that I Am Woman, Divine Feminine, Wife, Mother, Sister, Aunt, Cousin, and Daughter.   I have decided to dedicate my life to being a  Mental Health & Chronic Illness Advocate and teaching others like you to find healing, motivation, and life's purpose. I am excited that you are here and I would love to share my testimony with you. I share my experiences because I understand what it feels like to be alone with no answers.  Today my life's mission is to show you that it's possible to find healing even after the most extreme trauma and pain. To understand why I chose this you must first understand my testimony. 

I am a First Generation American Woman born of a Mexican Christian Mother and a Puerto Rican Free Spirited Musician Father. I know what it's like to grow up poor and different on the farms of South New Jersey. I grew up in low income housing, as my Single Mom did all she could to raise her children right and worked 3 jobs to maintain a roof over our heads alone. See my site for more details