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Natasha Lane Newcastle

Member Since: 03/2024


Natasha Lane Newcastle ‘was born with her head in the clouds and a suitcase under her arm’, or so her father says.  From a young age, Natasha found a passion for travelling and writing that burned within her very essence—a love she shares with her daughter. As a young girl, her daughter always preferred Natasha's bedtime stories best. Especially the ones about 'Timothy The Mouse.' A little mouse that always seemed to be going through the exact same things she was. As she grew, her daughter encouraged Natasha to follow her dream of becoming an author…  ​ Thus, a new adventure began.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

As a writer, I find inspiration in the tapestry of life itself. Extensive travel has been both my muse and my method, as I embarked on a global journey with my daughter and my faithful writing companion Hadley (our Yorkie/Schnauzer) to conduct research and craft stories. My love for art extends beyond the written word; I often find solace and expression through painting and photography. Nature is my playground and my classroom— I eagerly embracer new experiences, whether its hiking through rugged trails, skydiving into the unknown, or attempting to catch a wave while surfing (although the waves may only be knee high). I thrive on the thrill of adventure. Engaging with people from diverse backgrounds is a passion of mine— I relish in the exchange of cultures, stories, and perspectives. Weather it’s striking up conversations in bustling cafes or quietly observing the world unfold, I find beauty and inspiration in the unique qualities of every individual. Ultimately, I believe these experiences enrich my writing, adding depth and authenticity to my work.

When and why did you start writing books?

I’ve been drawn to storytelling since I was a child, crafting my own books from drawings and staples and eagerly saving up for my first typewriter. Even in school, my imagination soared as I daydreamed of dragons and princesses amidst the clouds. However, it was the profound impact of sharing stories with my own child that ignited my passion for writing professionally. Her unwavering belief in my tales and encouragement to pursue my dream of becoming an author inspired me to take the leap and share my stories with the world. As nerve-racking as it is.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Embracing writing as my career was an inevitable path, albeit one I hadn't initially considered. Writing has always been a passion that brings me joy, and it never crossed my mind until my daughter encouraged me. We are told by so many to follow the safe paths and not venture outside society's norms of practical career choices. But truthfully, stepping outside the lines of practicality and choosing writing to make a living doesn't feel like work to me; instead, it's a cherished privilege to be immersed in the art of storytelling every single day.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

Choosing a favourite among my books or characters is like asking a parent to pick a favourite child— it’s an impossible task. Each character holds a special place in my heart, as they each represent different facets of my imagination and storytelling journey. One day, I may be deeply immersed in the world of one character, feeling a profound connection, only to find myself equally enamoured with another the next. Every character created through me becomes a cherished part of my creative process, making it impossible for me to choose just one as my favourite.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Every book presents unique challenges and has truly stretched me as a writer. However, 'The Werewolf Killer' pushed me to delve deeper into the exploration of my main character's life. My original starting point for the 'Place Between Time' series was not 'The Werewolf Killer' with Serene Savanah Wise as a child but as a woman with a teenage daughter of her own. As I delved into her past, grappling with her journey of self-discovery and coming to terms with her extraordinary powers, the narrative took on a life of its own, evolving into the first instalment of the series. I found myself captivated by Serene's interactions with her parents and the complexities of her supernatural abilities. In addition, I have several other series in the works that share a similar storyline and have interesting crossovers from one series to another. I am excited and can't wait to get them all out there. This also presents challenges, as I want to work on them all, but most pick one at a time. In essence, every character and storyline has pushed me to refine my craft and explore new dimensions of storytelling. While undoubtedly challenging, the experience ultimately strengthens me as a writer and expands my creative horizons.

Who is your favourite author and book?

As an avid reader, I’ve been fortunate to explore the literary landscapes crafted by incredible authors. While Leo Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’ holds a special place in my heart and is perhaps the most worn book on my bookshelf for its timeless brilliance, the magical world of Harry Pottery opened my eyes to the wonders of fantasy literature and its binding on my shelf is equally warn. However, choosing a single favourite author or book feels akin to choosing between the stars in the sky— they each shine brightly in their own unique way. From the intricate complexities of classic literature to the enchanting realms of fantasy, my appreciation for diverse storytelling knows no bounds.

What book are you reading right now?

I'm currently immersed in the enchanting world of 'The All Souls Trilogy' by Deborah Harkness, captivated by its blend of history, magic, and romance. Additionally, I'm exploring the magical realism of 'Practical Magic' by Alice Hoffman, delving into its spellbinding narrative and richly drawn characters. Both books offer unique and captivating storytelling experiences that inspire and invigorate my own creative journey as a writer.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

My inspiration for writing comes from a blend of personal experiences and unexpected discoveries. It all started when my daughter introduced me to the captivating world of Harry Potter just before our trip to the UK to visit the Harry Potter studios. As I delved into the series, I found myself utterly enchanted by the magical realm. It was during our visit to the studios, surrounded by the tangible magic of the Harry Pottery universe, that inspiration struck me like a bolt of lightning. I realized my own desire to immerse myself in the world of magic, exploring its myriad possibilities and fascinating creatures. While my fascination with magic and mythical creatures provides a foundation for my writing, my creative process is a dance between inspiration and intuition. Ideas often materialize spontaneously, as if whispered to me through the wind, patiently waiting for me to breathe life into them. Each story and character arrives fully formed, ready to be crafted into existence, a testament to the mysterious alchemy of the creative mind.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Writing remains my ultimate passion and joy in my spare time— it’s where I find solace and fulfillment. However, when I’m not immersed in the world of storytelling, I find pleasure in exploring various forms of artistic expression. From painting to visiting art galleries, I delight in the beauty and creativity that surrounds us. I also enjoy immersing myself in nature through hiking and exploration, always eager to discover new sights and experiences. Whether it’s trying out different activities or simply listening to music, I cherish the opportunity to embrace life’s myriad delights outside of my writing endeavours.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Absolutely! I’m currently hard at work on several exciting new series, each brimming with unique characters and captivating storylines. Among them is a highly anticipated sequel to my debut novel, ‘The Werewolf Killer’ a fantasy novel brimming with intrigue and unforgettable characters destined to capture your heart. Additionally, I’m delving into fresh worlds of adventure and mystery with other upcoming series, each offering readers an immersive escape into the realms of imagination. Stay tuned for updates as these projects progress— I can’t wait to share them with my readers!