
Neil Vickers

Member Since: 04/2024


Born in the late fifties, went to school in Derby England, mainly midstream education. It was a lack of concentration that made me lose my place at the top grammar school, the exams went disastrously wrong. It was never a good thing asking me to concentrate, my mind would always be somewhere else, thinking all the time about other things. Being at school was a secondary chore in place of a primary, although I was always marked good for turning in every day. I had little absences from school but juggled time between school and play. I was a bit arty and crafts at school was a subject I enjoyed, my teacher more or less begged me to go to art school as he said I was his best student in years but the lure of a city and guilds apprenticeship in plumbing and heating with wages outweighed the other of five years at art school with no incentive beyond that. Nature was what I enjoyed when I was younger and all the books I read would have been linked to birds or animals. My early days would be spent walking in the countryside with my friends to see nature thriving around us. I still enjoy going out and getting as close to nature as I can. I was busy after my apprenticeship finished whilst I tried to start my own business as a self-employed plumber installing central heating systems. I eventually moved into building work, a fairly natural progression into property and creating a portfolio of property rentals. I started to write manuscripts on different subjects without publishing any of the unfinished work due to my workload that I had created, and time was not a luxury I could afford. I had not read novels as I was more interested in nature and I was fascinated by nature and its diversity. I would watch programs on animals, the ocean and its inhabitants, birds of all kinds from the biggest hawks and vultures down to the smallest hummingbirds. Reptiles were always something that I enjoyed reading about and the environments they lived in. I spent the last thirty years building new houses and large care homes for the elderly and running the day-to-day administration of caring for the elderly residents. I started writing books again with a view to publishing them after the pandemic (Covid), it had given me a new lease of life to start writing again but this time not to just write a manuscript but to write it and publish it. I seem to have been born with a gift of a creative mind and photographic memory, the books I write just seem to flow out my head as I am writing them. I seem to be able to write in any genre including fiction of course. I consider myself lucky as I have never read any fiction books. I find I do not affiliate my writing with any other author and do not mimic the style of any. I do my best to make a book exciting to read and entertaining for the reader. I have two books currently in the worldwide market True Love Unlimited and True Love Unlimited The Conclusion. The latest book True Love Unlimited The Conclusion has won the gold pr