Norma Jean Lutz | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Norma Jean Lutz

Member Since: 04/2024


Oklahoma author, Norma Jean Lutz, is author of over 50 published books, plus hundreds of articles and short stories. As a popular workshop speaker and writing instructor, her expertise in novel writing is stellar. Not only does she enjoy writing, she also enjoys extending a helping hand to up-and-coming novelists. Learn more at her sites: http://www.cleanteenreads.net/ and www.BeANovelist.com.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I am a life-long, career author. I've often said that I have to write like I have to breathe. I am also a Christian and following Jesus defines my life. I'm a mother and grandmother. I served as a youth sponsor in my local church for over 22 years. I recently stepped out of that position, but will never stop loving teens. (And actually kids as well.) Young people seem to be drawn to me like a magnet. I spend as much time as possible with my own grandkids. However, they are quickly becoming adults, so that time is more limited than when they were little. I'm an avid gardener and love growing things. Digging in the dirt is one of my soul-enriching activities.

When and why did you start writing books?

Loooonnnnggg time ago. LOL! Because I'm that old. I sold my first magazine article in 1979! I published my first novel in 1986. Why? Because I can't NOT write!

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I never wanted to do anything else. It sort of chose me!

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

I love love love Race in Brought to You By the Color Drab. Omigoodness how I love that guy! But have to quickly add that I love ALL my characters.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

None of my books are hard to write. When I'm writing that's when I am the happiest and most contented.

Who is your favourite author and book?

I am an avid reader. I have a loose-leaf notebook in which I log every book I read. Sometimes I have two or three going at a time. I may be reading a bio (such as The Last Lion -- Winston Churchill), or I may be reading something to research for my next book. Or I might kick back with a good novel. Rosamunde Pilcher is great. I also love Brock and Bodie Thoene.

What book are you reading right now?

Today I'm reading a Francine Rivers novel "The Lady's Mine."

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

Everywhere and nowhere. I really don't need "inspiration." I just need time!!

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I mentioned earlier -- I love gardening. Vegetables and flowers.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Yes. I just completed a sequel for my 4-title Tulsa Series. The title is Red Fork Roots. I also have a new stand-alone historical romance yet to be launched entitled Time of Our Lilac Love