Rayner Ye | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Rayner Ye

Member Since: 09/2023


Hey, I write space opera and space fantasy, and I'm now delving into Urban Fantasy. I don't have a website, though I have Linktree, which has all my links for my series, audiobooks, and comics: https://linktr.ee/raynerye I'm a mum, and I don't want to be a teacher any more. Yoga teacher, no problem, but I was a science, biology, and English as a foreign language teacher for ten years before having kids. Writing was my childhood dream, never teaching. So if you support me, maybe my husband won't make me go and do some boring desk job or teach adults or children or teenagers at an academic institution. I like magic, too. I have a Bsc in Environmental Biology and MA in Linguistics, but yeah, I believe in and practice a wide range of 'pseudoscience' though never preach. You will only find this seep into my space fantasy and urban fantasy, not my current military sci-fi or sci-fi thriller series. These books are FREE: Five Light-Years to the Firesnake, YuFu's Run 1, Cyborg Assassin 1.