Renette Haramis | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

#Followers: 3

Renette Haramis

Member Since: 03/2023


Hi there, I'm Renette, I spend my days writing and reading and for fun, I read what I wrote, actually, that's a lie I love to read various genres, my favourite being fantasy and crime novels. My all-time favourite Author is Terry Pratchett, I've read all his books multiple times. I'm from sunny South Africa, where walks on the beach are a great inspiration.

My favourite genre to write in is LGBTQ+ and Paranormal Romance ense, hate, love and some hanky panky. Androgynous love is a MM novel and is sure to pull at your heartstrings as well as make you angry meaning I've caught you, hook line and sinker.

Remember to follow me, just because you can and I would appreciate it❤️

Have an awesome rest of the day

Much love Renette Haramis

Facebook: @authorrenetteharamis
Instagram: @renetteharamis