ROBERT HOWELL | Discover Books & Novels on CraveBooks

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Member Since: 11/2022


Although I studied business administration in college, spent time in the Armed Forces and worked for over 40 years in real estate, my passion has always been writing.

Raising four children as a single Dad I often wrote stories for them, where they were the main characters.

Using this, along with my imagination, I created the characters and story lines in this series.

I have had short stories and articles published, both fiction and non fiction.

Now I spend much of my time writing, or with my family. I have four children and two grandchildren and continue to live in my home town of Montreal.

To see more of my writing visit my website at www.storywriter.ca

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I am a father and grandfather, with four children and 2 grand children. I have served in the Canadian Armed Forces and have spent most of the last four decades working in the real estate and investment fields. However my passion has always been writing. I am also an avid reader, averaging a book a week. Other interests include watching sports, mostly hockey, and movies. I was an active baseball player until my knees gave out when I hit my 50's.

When and why did you start writing books?

I was quite young when I started writing, penning my first short story in my early teens, that was actually sent to a magazine (but not published). I have always had an active imagination, and the easiest way for me to act out my fantasies was by putting them on paper.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

Having spent over 40 years in the real estate industry, I have tired of it. I love writing, and have found that people love my books (many 5 star ratings on Amazon). Although I still hold down a job in real estate, I have spent more time writing, having completed two books last year with more on the way.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

I have to say Sharron in the Charm series. She is strong willed, has led a difficult life, and yet even with the discovery of her burgeoning abilities, holds compassion for those less fortunate.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

It has to be the one I am currently working on. I am about two thirds complete now and hope to finish it within the next two months. It has required a lot of thought to get from one scene to the next, as the characters are not our usual types.

Who is your favourite author and book?

I have read so many that picking one from either category is impossible. I love so many different categories of books that it would be hard to compare from one to the next. Whether it be horror, fantasy, mystery, archeological thrillers, adventures, etc I enjoy them all.

What book are you reading right now?

Chapel Street, by Sean Paul Murphy. I actually just finished it. An excellent read if you like horror.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

From everywhere. I could be driving through an area that I had not visited before, see something different, and voila my next story idea. One of my current WIP's came from my current job, when I was helping watch over a property as our company was doing work there.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Reading, watching tv, hiking, and of course spending time with my family.

Do you have any new books in the works?

Two. Both of which I have mentioned here. A Devil of a Time, which has taken a lot of time should be finished within 2 months and features a detective, with no special abilities, that has to solve a supernatural mystery. The second one is a haunted house with a unique slant.