
Sandra Lee

Member Since: 12/2024


Sandra Lee is a distinguished author in the self-help genre. She is celebrated for her profound ability to delve into human relationships through passionate storytelling. Her writing distinctly mirrors her passion for people, animals, and empathy, enriching lives through insightful exploration of interpersonal dynamics. A lifelong dog lover and an ardent advocate for animal rights, Sandra brings a wealth of personal and professional insights into dogs' emotional and psychological impacts on individuals and communities. Her work goes beyond mere observations, integrating scientific research with personal narratives that make her writings compelling and relatable. Through The Dog Effect, Sandra offers readers a heartfelt exploration of how dogs' loyalty, love, and companionship can lead to significant personal growth and emotional healing.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I'm a multi-creative, innovative woman with varied interests in the arts, human behavior, and life's lessons being shared through stories. Over the years, I've been recognized for my achievements in team and business development, communication, graphic and website design, authorship, photography, relief carving, and more. I'm quickly bored with a single focus. The arts offer an array of creative opportunities that inspire me lifelong.

When and why did you start writing books?

I started ghostwriting nonfiction in the 1990s and later moved into self-publishing. My clients wanted the name recognition of writing about their specialties but didn't have the time or interest to write the books themselves. Ghostwriting provided an excellent foundation for my writing skills and expanded my interests in diverse nonfiction subjects.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I've studied and been fascinated for years with the power of language and the written word. Writing is a passion that allows me to share a depth of knowledge, insights, and feelings through storytelling - offering relatable life lessons for a broad audience that is missed in casual conversations.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

My favorite book is The Dog Effect and The Tao of Toby, in its introduction. The Tao is a list of life lessons my mixed-breed terrier, Toby, taught me over years of loving and caring for her after her rescue. Her guidance and blessings still affect and guide me to this day.

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?

Writing my next book is stretching me as a writer like never before. It's a lifelong love letter to my daughter, highlighting the key life lessons I want her to remember and practice now and long after I'm gone. The book digs into years of love, hurdles, achievements, and losses in our Mother-Daughter relationship and how we have been blessed with teaching one another.

Who is your favourite author and book?

My favorite book is "Hinds Feet in High Places" by Hannah Hernard. It's a beautiful allegory that dramatizes the journey we must take before we can live in "high places." The story guides the reader through the yearning of God's children to reach new heights of love, joy, and victory on their journey up the mountain of life. I've read and reread this classic over the years, and it never gets old!

What book are you reading right now?

I'm currently reading "Good Energy" by Casey Means, MD. As a lifelong student of human behavior and someone who knows that everything is energy, her writing on this topic is insightful and spot on! I highly recommend it for adults.

Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

My inspiration for writing is varied, often coming from life, documentaries, and personal experiences that hold particular meaning to me - experiences that I feel others will also appreciate and benefit from shared insights.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

My spare time is spent reading, creating artful projects, spending time in nature, and loving on my beloved Shih Tzu, Bandit. He'll steal your heart every chance he gets!

Do you have any new books in the works?

I'm currently working on two books. One is a lifelong love letter to my daughter, which I mentioned above. The other is about respect, influence, and persuasion. The second focuses on developing these as business skills, but it applies to anyone wanting to become a better communicator.