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Scott LaPierre
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Member Since: 04/2023


Scott LaPierre is the teaching pastor of Woodland Christian Church in Woodland, WA, an author, and conference speaker. He holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Liberty University. Scott and his wife, Katie, have nine children and they are passionate homeschooling advocates. Scott is a former schoolteacher and Army officer.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your hobbies and interests.

I have been the senior pastor of Woodland Christian church since 2010. My wife, Katie, and I grew up together in the small town of McArthur in the mountains of northern California. As of 2023 we have nine children.

When and why did you start writing books?

I wrote Your Marriage God's Way because I am passionate about this area of Scripture and life. God designed the family as the primary unit for every other segment in society, including the church. And marriage is the heart of the family. As a marriage disintegrates, the family disintegrates. As families disintegrate, churches disintegrate. As churches disintegrate, society disintegrates. When marriages are strong, however, families are strong. When families are strong, churches can be strong because strong churches are made up of strong families. As a pastor, I have seen many struggling marriages, but I have also seen couples find the solutions to their problems in Scripture. The truth of God's Word has the power to heal and strengthen any marriage.

What made you decide to tackle writing as a career?

I’m not a typical author in that I don’t sit down at the computer to write. Instead, I sit down at the computer to study God’s Word and prepare sermons and my books develop from that material. Let me elaborate. There might be some space between these two extremes, but for simplicity’s sake, let’s say pastors take two approaches with their sermons: • Abbreviated notes of a few hundred words. Phrases and keywords meant to remind them what to say. This isn’t to say these pastors don’t study. I’m sure they do. But they don’t write out most of what they plan to say. • Transcripts with thousands of words. This is me. I write out my entire sermon, and go over it with my wife Thursday nights. A wonderful family in our church sends over some kids to watch our kids. We go over the sermon again Saturday morning. I wake up early on Sunday to pray and look over my notes again. Each time I go over my notes I’m refining and polishing them. My books come from my sermon transcripts, which take twenty-to-thirty hours of work each week. This means each book contains hundreds of hours of study in God’s Word.

Which one of your books or characters is your favourite?

I write Christian nonfiction, so there aren't any characters.

Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ Centered-Marriages: And Accompanying Discussion Questions to Apply Them

Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ Centered-Marriages: And Accompanying Discussion Questions to Apply Them

Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful, Christ Centered-Marriages by Scott LaPierre is a gift to his newsletter subscribers. Download your free copy here.

The content is drawn from Your Marriage God’s Way and the Your Marriage God’s Way Workbook. If you enjoy this book hopefully you will purchase the book and workbook: